Voice of Pakistan Submitted by : Ghulam mujtaba Term project (Individual ) Social Computing Application MS (CS), IBA Karachi. Submitted to : Dr. Zaheerddin Asif Social Computing Application MS (CS), IBA Karachi.
Voice of Pakistan An online Pakistan Community
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Project : Voice of Pakistan Description: Voice of Pakistan is online social application. Users specially Pakistani can create an issue, adds his views on it and invites others to join the cause and share his views. For the cause sharing user can invites his friends on net and off-net like friends of other social networks i.e. face book etc. User can also report to concerned authority and even can report to paper media or electronic Media Channels. This report authenticity will be assessed by user reputation that was also sent by the system.
Salient Features (aspects of Social Computing ) Popularity of Issues: The list of issued displayed as order by most popular issued. The most “like count” item will be top of the list. There is TAG cloud that weigh more used tags in the issues. Issue can be tagged by users. Recommendation System : The system recommended the issues to external social network friends of users, if any added. Trust by user Reputation Management : Trust factor for the authenticity of the issues are management by the users profile if users are posting and disliked by many other user his ratting will be low and if likes are more means more trustworthy.
Tags : single term user generated only Tag Cloud; based on keyword among tagged data. Likes (ratting) Components & tools used……. (aspects of Social Computing )
User Reputation Management Reputation Management System is also measuring the Trust factor of the authenticity of new posting. It is based on the users profile if users are posting and disliked by many other user his ratting will be low and if likes are more means more trustworthy.
Recommender System invitation to Social Network Recommender System send invitation to the on-net similar users by using K – nearest neighbors algorithm based approach. Similarity will be calculated by “likes” and similar tagging on a specific issue. Recommender System will also send invitation of an issue to external social network friends of users who created the issue.
User Invitation to friends user can add his social networks connection during profile creation. When he wants he can invite the friends to join the cause if he likes any “issue”. i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, other forum etc.
Search Search is among Tags data and the Title of the issues. Either Keywords in tags data base or any term of title is matched if found then displayed in order of most “like count” number.
Reporting the issue
Extended Reporting Media reporting is further extended for program wise as; GEO General AAJ KAMRAN KHAN Kay SATH CAPITAL TAK Express news General Shabir To Dekhay Ga