Epithelial Tissues Nestor T. Hilvano, M.D., M.P.H.
Learning Objectives You should be able to: 1. List the embryonic germ layers and some adult tissues derived from each. 2. Describe the important characteristics (traits or features) and functions of epithelial tissues. 3. Describe the intercellular connections of epithelia. 4. Distinguish the form and function for each epithelial type and state where each type of epithelium can be found in the body. 5. Describe the different types of glands according to presence or absence of ducts, modes of glandular secretion, and types of secretion.
Tissues derived from Embryonic (germ) layers Tissues are group of ___. a.organs b. cells c. organelles d. molecules 4 main types of tissues: epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous tissues 3 Germ layers and its derivatives: a) Ectoderm – epidermis, nervous system b) Mesoderm – connective tissues, bones, muscles, ovaries, testes, kidneys c) Endoderm – epithelium of respiratory tract, digestive tract, and glands.
Functions of Epithelial Tissue Protection Control permeability – absorption, excretion, filtration Provide sensation (neuroepithelium) Produced specialized secretions
Properties of Epithelial Tissue * Common traits (properties or characteristics) of epithelium: 1. Cellularity 2. Polarity (apical vs basal surfaces) 3. Attachment (basement membrane) 4. Avascularity 5. Regeneration
Intercellular connections Tight junction - or occluding junction; prevents passage of water or solutes bet. cells; in gastrointestinal and urinary tracts Desmosome - or macula adherens; resist stretching and twisting ; in uterus and epidermis of skin (causing dead cells to shed in thick sheets) Gap junction - or nexus; forms a narrow passage bet. cells; in cardiac and smooth muscle tissues (allow ions and small molecules to pass from one cell to another) Intermediate junction - or fascia adherens; held together by thick layer of proteoglycans
Classification of Epithelia Simple - squamous - cuboidal - columnar Stratified Pseudostratified Transitional What epitheliium is composed of: a) one layer of cells? b) two or more layers of cells? c) false-layers of cells? d) cell layers varies depending on distension?
Simple Squamous Epithelium Functions: Permits diffusion(osmosis) of substances Locations = ________________________________
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Functions: Absorption and secretion Locations = ___________________
Simple Columnar Epithelium Functions: Protection, absorption and secretion Locations = ____________________________
Pseudostratified Epithelium Functions: Protection and secretion; secretes and propel respiratory mucus Locations = _________________________
Stratified Squamous Keratinized Surface cells are non-nucleated, squamous cells with keratins (dead cells) Functions: Protection and barrier against abrasion, organisms and chemical attack, retards water loss Locations = ____________________________
Stratified Squamous Nonkeratinized Epithelium forming moist, slippery layer; cells are squamous, nucleated (living cells) Functions: Protection/barrier Locations = ______________________________
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium rare in the body Locations = sweat gland ducts; growing ovarian follicles and seminiferous tubules of testes
Transitional Epithelium Number of cell layers varies depending on function (distension) Functions: permits expansion and recoil after stretching Locations = __________________________________
Glandular Epithelium Secrete substances Presence/absence of ducts 1.) Exocrine glands: ___ 2.) Endocrine glands: ___ a. ductless b. with ducts Number of cells 1.) Unicellular glands: ___ 2.) multicellular glands: ___ a. salivary glands b. goblet cells Types of secretions 1.) Serous glands: ___ 2.) Mucous glands: ___ 3.) Mixed glands: ___ a. thick, viscous b. thin, watery c. both d. neither
Modes of Glandular Secretion a. Merocrine = released from secretory vesicles by exocytosis; gland intact b. Apocrine = apical portion shed with secretion; partial glandular destruction c. Holocrine = whole gland shed with secetion; total destruction Classify the following glands: ___ - sebaceous gland ___ - sweat (eccrine) gland ___ - mammary gland
Homework (Self-review) 1. Discuss common characteristics of epithelial tissues. 2. Compare and contrast simple squamous and stratified squamous as to structure, functions, and locations (examples). 3. Identify the lining epithelium of: trachea, alveoli of lungs, esophagus, small and large intestines, stomach, mesothelium of body cavities, endothelium of blood vessels, thyroid gland, proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) of kidney, urinary bladder, epidermis of skin. 4. Describe briefly merocrine, apocrine, and holocrine glands. 5. Differentiate exocrine gland from endocrine gland.