I NSTANT M ESSAGING Presented By : Sana Riaz Roll no:F1F12MCOM0185
DEFINITION Instant messaging (IM) is a form of online communication that allows real-time (or close to real-time) interaction through personal computers or mobile computing devices. Users can exchange messages privately, similar to or join the group conversation,
H ISTORY o First real instant messaging program was developed in o In 1996, Israeli Software firm named Mirabilis launched ICQ, o In 1997, AOL released AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) o By 1998, AOL has purchased Mirabilis. o Appearance of new networks like Yahoo and MSN
W HO ’ S DOING IT ? 1. Large and growing numbers of teens 2. today’s and tomorrow’s college students 3. colleges and universities are adding IM to campus functions 4. Some institutional libraries have set up online reference desks with IM applications How does it work? Log In with customer ID Able to send messages Basic formatting of text Addition of multimedia files Message is sent
S TAGES FOR SUCCESSFULL INSTANT MESSAGING PLANNING Are you asking something? Are you responding to someone WTITING Informal with friends formal in business COMPLETING Quickly scan each message. Simply press the send button.
I NSTANT MESSAGING FEATURES Sharing Web links Sharing videos Video chat Text chat Conference Mobile capabilities Sharing files Sharing images Chat history log Interoperability with other IM networks
H OW DOES IM DIFFER FROM ? Fundamentally, the difference between IM and is the notion of presence. This means that users of the IM system are aware that other users have logged in and are willing to accept messages. Unlike , IM content can only be sent to users who are logged in to the system and accepting messages. If users are not logged in, others do not have the ability to send them messages.
D IFFERENT KINDS OF IM: IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is granddaddy of IM—introduced in 1988 AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) is, by far, the most widely used IM service Yahoo and MSN also offer messaging services. Skype Facebook Google Talk is new player.
B ENEFITS OF I NSTANT M ESSAGING : Connect Team Members Break Down Barriers Saving cost. Save travel time. Wide availability. Enhanced collaboration. Information archieving. Employee satisfaction. Rapid response.
T HREATS AND S ECURITY I SSUES Hijacking Denial of Service Identity theft Information leaks. Worms, viruses, etc.
L EGAL ISSUE : The scandal had started when Pakistani-American businessman Mansoor Ijaz claimed last year of having received a message from Haqqani to deliver a confidential memo to Admiral Mike Mullen, regarding a possible military takeover.
I NSTANT M ESSAGING S TATS : While texting: 32% of year olds also watch TV 18% also listen to music 10% browse the internet 6% also are reading 70% of year olds say they could not live without their mobile phone
T IPS FOR USING I NSTANT M ESSAGING FOR B USINESS Keep your instant messages simple Organize your contact lists. Be aware of virus and security risks. Don’t Share personal data or information Don’t Allow excessive personal messaging at work. Don’t Confuse your contacts with a misleading Don’t use instant messaging to communicate confidential or sensitive information user name.
C ONCLUSION Actually it is a unique tool of communication that affects everyone differently depending upon the personality and social nature.