Student Growth in the Washington State Teacher Evaluation System Michelle Lewis Puget Sound ESD
Materials You will need your computer/iPad during the session Materials that you use as participant today and experience as a learner are available in hard copy. Presentation materials for you to turn key/customize this training including slides and participant handouts can be found on the student growth wiki From the menu on the left, click Training Materials
Agenda Opening Organization of our day Accessing Prior Knowledge Anchor reading – Hattie excerpt Unpacking Student growth rubrics Artifacts/Evidence to support student growth Final Summative Evaluation Reflection Feedback
Norms Review norms Are there any edits or changes you suggest?
Outcomes Prepare trainers to facilitate training for teachers and principals in: Analyzing the student growth rubrics Creating and analyzing student growth goals Defining data collection and reporting essentials Selecting artifacts for the student growth criteria Explaining implications for student growth in the final evaluation rating
Training Sequence 1.Framing of each learning sequence 2.Participate first in a learning sequence as a Learner. Ask questions as a learner as we go Record presenter questions 3.Debrief and answer presenter questions (10 min) 4.Repeat for next learning sequence 5.Two 10 minute team processing times built in after the first half of learning sequences 6.Time at the end of the day for district to plan how to take back to district
Parking Lot
Learning Sequence #1 Purpose: Assess prior knowledge Identify burning questions
What do you know about student growth in the new teacher evaluation system? Use at least one term in your statement. 8 state criteria Evidence Distinguished High Goal Artifacts Average Final Summative evaluation Basic Achievement Growth inquiry Low Student Growth Rating Growth Assessment Grain size
8 state criteria Evidence Distinguished High Goal Artifacts Average Final Summative evaluation Basic Achievement Growth inquiry Low Student Growth Rating Growth Assessment Grain Size What questions do you have about student growth in the new teacher evaluation system? Record here:
Debrief with a partner What did the facilitator do? What did the participants do? What questions did this learning sequence generate for you as a presenter?
Learning Sequence #2 Purpose: Frame the role of student growth in the new evaluation system
Reading Take a 10 minutes to silently read the excerpt from Visible Learning by John Hattie identify passage and backup passage that has implications for the new teacher evaluation system
Discussion Protocol Work in pairs Partner A take up to two minutes to: reads selected passage aloud, say what he/she thinks about the passage (connections, interpretation, etc) say what he/she thinks are implications Partner B takes up to two minutes to respond Repeat the process reversing roles for Partner A and B Total Time for this activity = 8 minutes
Debrief What did the facilitator do? What did the participants do? What questions did this learning sequence generate for you as a presenter?
Learning Sequence #3 Purpose: To develop a shared understanding of proficiency in setting and achieving student growth goals
Student Growth Definition Change in student achievement for an individual student between two points in time
Unpacking Student Growth and Goal Setting Rubric Look at the proficient column of rubrics for goal setting for criteria 8. What systems and structures would support the proficient level? What skills might be necessary?
Unpacking Student Growth and Goal Setting Rubric Look at the proficient column of rubrics for student growth and goal setting for criteria 3 and 6. Highlight key words Consider these questions: How are 3.1 and 6.1 alike and different? What does the rubric say? What does the rubric not say?
Unpacking Student Growth and Goal Setting Rubric Look at the proficient column of rubrics for student growth and goal setting for criteria 3 and 6. Highlight key words Consider these questions: How are 3.2 and 6.2 alike and different? What does the rubric say? What does the rubric not say?
Tight (State Requirement) All teachers have student growth goals and monitor student growth Definition of growth Multiple sources of data Measure growth over two points in time Teacher selects goal for criteria 3 and 6 Goal for criteria 8 set collaboratively with group Loose (local Decision) Subject area(s) Standard (or learning target) of focus Assessments used to measure progress towards goals Interval of instruction Selection of Subgroup Size of subgroup Number/location of teachers to comprise a group for Criteria 8 Growth target
Debrief What did the facilitator do? What did the participants do? What questions did this learning sequence generate for you as a presenter?
Team Processing Take 10 minutes to identify agenda items that you want to come back to at the end of the day during team planning time.
Break See you back in 10 minutes!
Learning Sequence #4 Purpose: Create a common understanding of the concept of nested goals Identify the critical elements of an effective student growth goal
How do I select Learning Target for goals? DataSIP District Initiatives
Nested Goals
SG 3.1 – sub group goal Between September and May, ELL students will improve their ability to write arguments to support claims in topics presented in text using clear reasoning and relevant evidence by at least 2 points on a 12 point rubric as measured by performance assessments and on demands. SG 6.1 – whole class goal Between September and May, 7 th grade students in my first period class will improve their ability to write arguments to support claims in topics presented in text using clear reasoning and relevant evidence by at least 2 points on a 12 point rubric as measured by performance assessments and on demands SG 8.1 – group goal Between September and May, ELL students in 7 th grade will improve their ability to write arguments to support claims in topics presented in text using clear reasoning and relevant evidence by at least 2 points on a 12 point rubric as measured by performance assessments and on demands.
Goal Setting Inquiry Process Take 5 minutes to peruse some samples with your group What are some things you notice? What questions do these samples generate for you?
Focus Learning Content (Learning Target) Between September and May, ELL students will improve their ability to write arguments to support claims in topics presented in text using clear reasoning and relevant evidence by at least 2 points on a 12 point rubric as measured by performance assessments, on demands and essays..
Growth Target Between September and May, ELL students will improve their ability to write arguments to support claims in topics presented in text using clear reasoning and relevant evidence by at least 2 points on a 12 point rubric as measured by performance assessments and on demands.
Instructional Interval Between September and May, ELL students will improve their ability to write arguments to support claims in topics presented in text using clear reasoning and relevant evidence by at least 2 points on a 12 point rubric as measured by performance assessments, on demands.
Evidence (Assessment) Between September and May, ELL students will improve their ability to write arguments to support claims in topics presented in text using clear reasoning and relevant evidence by at least 2 points on a 12 point rubric as measured by performance assessments, on demands and essays.
Calibrate Assume the role of an evaluator How would you rate the sample criteria 6 (whole class) goal?
Debrief What did the facilitator do? What did the participants do? What questions did this learning sequence generate for you as a presenter?
Learning Sequence #5 Purpose: Understand how to select an assessments aligned to a learning target Identify possible assessments
First select the learning target Then select the assessment that best measures the learning target
Grain Size Definition Depth or breadth of the knowledge or skill measured. Large GrainFine Grain ComputationAdding #s 0-9 ComprehensionPrediction
It is student growth, not student achievement, that is relevant in demonstrating impacts teacher and principals have on students. Formal Tests in Core Subjects Only Knowledge and Learning that can be Measured All Classroom Learning State-based Tools District and School-Based Tools Classroom- based Tools
Assessment Triangle Task Think about the sample goals and learning target Take a look at the assessment triangle. What other assessments could be used to monitor progress towards this learning target?
Debrief What did the facilitator do? What did the participants do? What questions did this learning sequence generate for you as a presenter?
Team Processing 10 minutes Identify agenda items for team planning session
Learning Sequence #6 Purpose: Identify artifacts and evidence to support student growth ratings Practice calibrating using student growth rubrics
Sample Data Set Review this sample data set What are the critical components that would be important for all data reports to include?
Sample Data Set Consider all data points throughout the year Use the rubric to rate this teacher for 6.2 What is the rationale for your rating?
Debrief What did the facilitator do? What did the participants do? What questions did this learning sequence generate for you as a presenter?
Learning Sequence #7 Purposes: Understand implications of student growth in overall evaluation rating Share student growth resources
Summative Rating & Impact on Student Learning Matrix
Student Growth Inquiry Consequences: Within two months of receiving the low student growth score or at the beginning of the following school year, whichever is later, one or more of the following must be initiated by the evaluator: Triangulate student growth measure with other evidence (including observation, artifacts and student evidence) and additional levels of student growth based on classroom, school, district and state-based tools Examine extenuating circumstances possibly including: goal setting process/expectations, student attendance, and curriculum/assessment alignment Schedule monthly conferences with the teacher to discuss/revise goals, progress toward meeting goals, and best practices Create and implement a professional development plan to address student growth areas.
Focused Evaluation
Turn and Talk Summarize how the student growth rating impact the overall evaluation score?
Sharing Goals and Tools
Sharing Goals and Tools view&id=955&Itemid=911
What questions do we still need to answer? ons ons 8 state criteria Evidence Distinguished High Goal Artifacts Average Final Summative evaluation Basic Achievement Growth inquiry Low Student Growth Rating Growth Assessment Grain size
Debrief What did the facilitator do? What did the participants do? What questions did this learning sequence generate for you as a presenter?
Additional Student Growth Resources District Planning Tool Another Goal Setting Template Tool Student Growth Rubrics with Critical Attributes Additional training materials modules/student-growth-module/
District Planning Time Guiding Questions What portions of this presentation would be most useful for teachers and leaders in your district? In what ways would you modify or customize the activities for your district? What model will you use to present student growth in your district?
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