OOAD1 UML Tools: A Brief Introduction 鄧姚文


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Presentation transcript:

OOAD1 UML Tools: A Brief Introduction 鄧姚文

OOAD2 常見的 UML 工具( $$ ) Rational Rose TogetherSoft Together Control Center WebGain StructureBuilder Sybase PowerDesigner Oracle Jdeveloper Embarcadero Describe Microsoft Visio 2002

OOAD3 Rational Rose Rational Rose Enterprise Edition Windows, UNIX Price: $4194 (USD) or NT$ 15 萬 Use case diagram, class diagram, state chart diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram CORBA IDL, C++, Java, Ada, Delphi, ORACLE8 DDL, SQL2, Visual Basic, XML-DTD Rational: 大師級人物 Booch, Jacobson, Rumbaugh 的公司


5 TogetherSoft Together Control Center Together Control Center Java VM Price: $5995 (USD) or NT$ 20 萬 Use case diagram, class diagram, state chart diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram CORBA IDL, C++, Java, EJB development and deployment support, GOF design patterns, VB,.NET, C# Community Edition 可免費試用 simultaneous round-trip engineering for Java, C++, class diagrams only

OOAD6 WebGain StructureBuilder WebGain StructureBuilder Enterprise Java VM Price: $4995 (USD) or NT$ 17 萬 Use case diagram, class diagram, state chart diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram round-trip engineering, HTML generation, component of WebGain Studio, EJB support, XMI, round-trip engineering of sequence diagrams (unique!)

OOAD7 Sybase PowerDesigner Windows Price: $5990 (USD) or NT$ 20 萬 Use case diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram object/relational design using class diagrams, repository support includes use case and sequence diagrams 有試用版可下載

OOAD8 Oracle JDeveloper Java VM Price: $0 or $995 (NT$ 3.4 萬 ) Class diagram, activity diagram Integrates with Oracle Application Server, Oracle Database

OOAD9 Embarcadero Describe Windows, UNIX Price: n/a Use case diagram, class diagram, state chart diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram Integrates with leading Java IDE's, EJB Support markerless round-trip engineering 可與 Visual Studio 整合

OOAD10 Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Microsoft Visual Studio.NET Enterprise Architect Windows Price: $2500 (USD) or NT$ 8.8 萬 Use case diagram, class diagram, state chart diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram Integrates with Microsoft Vision 2002 Professional C#, VB



OOAD13 常見的 UML 工具( Free ) ArgoUML Dia UMLPad Fujaba ClassBuilder

OOAD14 ArgoUML Embarcadero Describe Java VM University of California, Irvine Use case diagram, class diagram, state chart diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram

OOAD15 ArgoUML 安裝與使用 檔案位置 ftp://ftp2.im.knu.edu.tw/pub/UML/ArgoUML/ 下載 ArgoUML zip (程式)與 ArgoUML-docs-0.10.zip (文件) 安裝 將 ArgoUML zip 與 ArgoUML-docs-0.10.zip 解壓 縮放到 C:\ArgoUML\ 執行 在 C:\ArgoUML\ 之中執行 java -jar argouml.jar


OOAD17 Dia Linux, Windows Use case diagram, class diagram, sequence diagram, deployment diagram Gnome Visio-like diagram tool with a UML template, export as SVG!

OOAD18 Dia Windows 安裝與使用 檔案位置 ftp://ftp2.im.knu.edu.tw/pub/UML/Dia/ 下載 dia setup.exe (程式)與 dia.pdf (文件) 安裝 執行 dia setup.exe 執行 執行 C:\Program Files\dia\bin\dia.bat


OOAD20 UMLPad Windows Luigi Bignami ( ) Class diagram, state chart diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram pad.htm

OOAD21 UMLPad 安裝與使用 檔案位置 ftp://ftp2.im.knu.edu.tw/pub/UML/UMLPad/ 下載 umlpad.zip 安裝 解壓縮 umlpad.zip 到 C:\UMLPad\ 執行 執行 C:\UMLPad\umlpad.exe


OOAD23 Fujaba Java VM University of Paderborn, Germany (帕德博 恩大學) Use case diagram, class diagram, state chart diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram

OOAD24 Fujaba 安裝與使用 檔案位置 ftp://ftp2.im.knu.edu.tw/pub/UML/Fujaba/ 下載 Fujaba_Standard_W32_Install_3_0_1.exe 安裝 執行 Fujaba_Standard_W32_Install_3_0_1.exe 執行 執行 C:\Program Files\Fujaba\Fujaba.exe


OOAD26 ClassBuilder Windows Class diagram, sequence diagram C++ Builder.htm

OOAD27 ClassBuilder 安裝與使用 檔案位置 ftp://ftp2.im.knu.edu.tw/pub/UML/ClassBuilder/ 下載 ClassBuilder_2.3_PR446_Setup.exe 或 ClassBuilder_2_3_PR448_Alpha_Setup.exe 安裝 執行 ClassBuilder_2.3_PR446_Setup.exe