Chapter 15 The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
Fruit Fly
Life Cycle u Egg u Larva u Pupa u Adult
Fruit Fly Chromosomes
Genetic Symbols
Examples u Recessive mutation: u w = white eyes u w+ = red eyes u Dominant Mutation u Cy = Curly wings u Cy+ = Normal wings
Morgan Observed:
Morgan crossed
The F1 offspring: u All had red eyes. u This suggests that white eyes is a genetic _________?
F1 X F1 = F2
Morgan discovered:
Fruit Fly Chromosomes
Morgan Discovered
Linked Genes
Body Color and Wing type
Example b+b vg+vg X bb vgvg (b+ linked to vg+) (b linked to vg) If unlinked: 1:1:1:1 ratio. If linked: ratio will be altered.
If Genes are Linked:
Linkage Strength
Genetic Maps
u Comment - only good for genes that are within 50 map units of each other. Why?
Genetic Maps
Sex Linkage in Biology
Chromosomal Basis of Sex in Humans
Human Chromosome Sex
Sex Linkage
X-linked Disorders
Samples of X-linked patterns:
X-linked Patterns
Comment u Watch how questions with sex linkage are phrased: u Chance of children? u Chance of males?
Can Females be color-blind?
Sex Limited Traits
Sex Influenced Traits
Barr Body
Lyon Hypothesis
Calico Cats u X B = black fur u X O = orange fur u Calico is heterozygous, X B X O.
Question? u Why don’t you find many calico males?
Chromosomal Alterations
Number Alterations
Types of Aneuoploidy
Turner Syndrome
Question u Why are Turner Individuals usually sterile
Other Sex Chromosome changes
Kleinfelter Syndrome
George Washington u May have been a Kleinfelter Syndrome individual. u Much taller than average. u Produced no children.
Meta female
Super male
Trisomy events
Question? u Why is trisomy more common than monosomy?
Question? u Why is trisomy 21 more common in older mothers?
Question? u In plants, even # polyploids are often fertile, why odd # polyploids are sterile. Why?
Structure Alterations
Cri Du Chat Syndrome
Philadelphia Chromosome
Parental Imprinting of Genes
Why have parental imprinting? u Method to detect that TWO different sets of chromosomes are in the zygote.
Experiment u Can fuse nuclei into mouse eggs. u If male/male = normal placenta, abnormal fetus u If female/female = abnormal placenta, normal fetus u If male/female = normal placenta and normal fetus
Extranuclear Inheritance
Variegated Examples
Variegation in African Violets
Comment u Cells can have a mixture of normal and abnormal organelles. u Result - degree of expression of the maternal inherited trait can vary widely.
Summary u Know about linkage and crossing-over. u Sex chromosomes and their pattern of inheritance. u Variations of chromosomes and inheritance patterns.
Summary u Be able to work genetics problems for this chapter.