“ Build a Bridge to a Better Tomorrow” 2009 Fort George G. Meade Combined Federal Campaign
What if you were told that you could build a bridge for $1?
You might ask…
How is this possible?
As a CFC-Supported Charity, This is exactly what you do everyday…
For example:
$1 per pay provides three days of medical supplies for a dialysis patient
$1 per pay plants a tree in an inner-city neighborhood
$1 per pay provides 26 hospital meal vouchers for parents of a child receiving treatment
$1 per pay provides an at-risk child with one week of an after school program
$1 per pay results in two hours of emergency room support for a woman who has been sexually assaulted
$1 per pay provides 5 parking vouchers for a cancer patient traveling to a clinic for travel expenses not covered by insurance
$1 per pay provides one week of infant formula for a family in need
$1 per pay allows a mentor to provide an alternative activity for an at-risk child
$1 per pay provides a gift box of toys to brighten the day of a child fighting cancer
$1 per pay provides treatment for an individual struggling with substance abuse
$1 per pay provides a nutritious meal for a frail elder at a senior day center
$1 per pay provides snacks for a participant in an extended day program
$1 per pay provides an hour of training for a court-appointed child advocate
…and that’s with only $1 per pay
$2 per pay provides free sign language interpreting services for a family in need at a funeral
$5 per pay provides a week's worth of food for a family of four after a house fire or natural disaster
$5 per pay buys a pair of eyeglasses for a needy child
$10 per pay provides 5 nights of safe, supportive shelter and meals for a battered woman and her children
$10 per pay allows 5 individuals to participate in a group session for batterers, where they learn non-violent relationship skills
$10 per pay feeds a full nutritious meal to 25 homeless cats
THESE ARE JUST A FEW BRIDGES THAT CAN BE BUILT… IMAGINE what can be done with an even larger pledge!
$10 per pay provides 26 gas cards to families of sick children for out-of-pocket expenses not covered by insurance
$10 per pay provides cataract surgery and improved vision for 5 people in impoverished areas
$10 per pay plants 20 trees to offset 20 tons of carbon dioxide emissions
$10 per pay can host a workshop for 35 farmers on ways to save their farms
$15 per pay provides a two-week stay at a camp for a child with disabilities
$20 per pay provides a diabetes patient a 2-3 month supply of syringes
$25 per pay provides a family nourishing food from a local food bank for a year
$50 per pay furnishes medical kits to 3,000 refugees
$75 per pay provides vaccines for approximately 400 homeless animals
$100 per pay provides job training for 5 disabled individuals striving to become self-reliant
How far can you make your dollar go?
Consider giving…
You won’t regret it !!!
Fort George G. Meade Combined Federal Campaign