BK50A2200 DESIGN METHODOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS OF MACHINE ELEMENT DESIGN Introduction and contents of the course D.Sc Harri Eskelinen
Briefly about the lecturer… Harri Eskelinen, GSM , Senior Research Scientist at LUT since 1999, before that lecturer and assistant since Since 2011 nominated as an adjunct professor. Since 2014 Head of the Master Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering D.Sc 1999 Main research topics: – DFMA – MW-mechanics – Green technology in material selection – Distance learning Supervising following courses: – Technical Drawing and 3D-modelling – Material Science – Engineering Design and Mechanisms – Machine Element Design – Research Methods and Methodologies
Aim of the course To provide understanding of functions and dimensioning of the most important mechanisms and their machine parts, such as: – Springs – Shafts – Bearings – Slides – Gears – Different types of fasteners
Contents of the course Basic mechanisms types Mechanisms analysis and synthesis Analysis of some selected machine parts Reliability based machine design and lifetime analysis Wear phenomena Fundamentals of systematic design approach Practical applications from industry
Practical arrangements Teaching and teaching material is divided into three main sections: Lectures Special topics of Engineering design - Systematic Design - Mechanisms analysis and synthesis - Wear phenomena 1 Text Books -Erdman:Fundamentals of mechanisms design -Norton: Design aspects of some important machine elements 2 Exercises and Teamwork Practical applications from industry 3
BK50A2200 DESIGN METHODOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS OF MACHINE ELEMENT DESIGN Glued joints Distribution analysis Shaft-hub-joints with conical geometry Types of lubrication Wear phenomena Helical compression springs Power transmission shafts Rotational shaft sealing washers Shaft keys Worm gears Spur gears Rolling bearings Introduction Belt drives Roller chain drives Stress and deflection analysis CONTENT
Main criteria dealing with lifetime evaluation S-N-curves fatigue failure crack propagation lifetime evaluation equations Main criteria dealing with reliability Distributions - loads - load bearing capacity - dimensions - material properties Distribution analysis - curve fitting - overlapping distributions Safety factors Failure mode matrixes and fault tree analysis Main criteria dealing with strength combined loading cases dynamic/static loads impact loading stress concentrations and peaks brittle and ductile materials dynamic contact stresses Main criteria dealing with wear Adhesive wear Abrasive wear Tribochemical wear Surface fatigue Pitting Corrosion phenomena Fretting Cavitation, Erosion Peeling INTRODUCTION
BK50A2200 DESIGN METHODOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS OF MACHINE ELEMENT DESIGN Schedule / autumn semester 2014 / 1 ST PERIOD: LECTURES ON FRIDAYS AT IN ROOM 213 IN STUDENTS’ UNION HOUSE WeekLectures (Fridays , room 213 Students’ Union House) Homework (Discussed during the lectures) Project/Team work 37 ( ) Introduction and guidelines of the university course module BK50A2200 Organization of the project team and working groups 38 ( ) L1. Fundamentals of the systematic design approach 39 ( ) L2. Introduction to the textbook: “Norton: Machine Design” Discussion of the homework results: E1. Comparison of different design approaches and requirement lists 40 ( ) L3. Reliability based machine design and lifetime analysisDiscussion of the homework results:: E2. Integration of strength, reliability, lifetime and wear analyses Tentative project meeting I (arranged by the project manager) 41 ( ) L4. Wear phenomena Discussion of the homework results: E3. Reliability based machine design 42 ( ) L5. Machine elements I L6. Machine elements II Discussion of the homework results: E4. Wear phenomena L7. Machine elements III L8. Machine elements IV Discussion of the homework results: E5. Shafts, bearings, shaft seals E6. Gears Tentative project meeting II (arranged by the project manager) (43) ( ) No lectures nor exercises (Exam week) 2 ND PERIOD: PROJECT WORK ON FRIDAYS AT IN ROOM 213 IN STUDENTS’ UNION HOUSE Meeting number:Theme 44 ( ) Official project meeting IRequirement list 45 ( ) Official project meeting IIStrength 46 ( ) Official project meeting IIIWear 47 ( ) Official project meeting IVReliability 48 ( ) Official project meeting VLifetime 49 ( ) Presentations of the team works
Exercises and teamwork Teamwork – Project work, the whole class forms the project team, which consists of smaller groups (4-5 students/group) – Weekly project meetings, Patricia Nyamekye has been nominated as the project manager and she will invite the meetings Brief exercises – Brief exercises will be giving after each lecture and the answers will be discussed at next week’s lectures – Based on the topic of each lecture – All kind of source material is allowed – 100% requirement for acceptance! Presentations of the results of the teamwork (project work) – Week 49 – Topics will be decided in details during the project meetings No written exam, the grading is based on the results of exercises and team works.
Project work Team 1 Gears Team 4 Shafts and Shaft-hub-joints Team 3 Seals Team 2 Bearings Team 5 ”Accessories” -belt-drives -chain-drives -clutches -etc. Project manager Team leader 1 Team leader 4 Team leader 2 Team leader 3 Team leader 5
Team 1 Gears Team 4 Shafts and Shaft-hub-joints Team 3 Seals Team 2 Bearings Team 5 ”Accessories” -belt-drives -chain-drives -clutches -etc. Project manager Team leader 1 Team leader 4 Team leader 2 Team leader 3 Team leader 5 Strength Wear Lifetime Reliability Power transmission capacity Wear Lifetime Reliability Strength Wear Lifetime Reliability Strength Wear Lifetime Reliability Strength Wear Lifetime Reliability Strength Wear Lifetime Reliability Team members 1…4 Team members 1…4 Team members 1…4 Team members 1…4 Team members 1…4
Machine element Strenght Wear Lifetime RELIABILITYRELIABILITY RELIABILITYRELIABILITY Team leaders’ task is to take care of the overlapping areas
RELIABILITYRELIABILITY RELIABILITYRELIABILITY Power transmission capacity Wear and lifetime Project manager’s task is to take care of the overlapping areas and the summarized reliability aspects