Use relational thinking with properties and strategies to learn the Basic Math Facts
Assume a = b = c = d =
Memorization vs. Internalization Think about it
Cross off the facts on the table as you apply the properties and strategies.
I can--- Build it See it Count it Put it together Take it apart
+1, -1 Part-Part Whole Anchors of 5 and 10 Visual patterns
‘Instantly’ see how many Recognize a number pattern as a whole Recognize a number as having parts
Connecting a quantity to numbers, symbols Using strategies -making a ten -doubles,+1, -1 -ten and some more Applying properties
Quick Recall of math facts Maintenance of Facts Use Mental Computation to reinforce basic number combinations
With a partner play one or more of the following games Compare, Double Compare Five in a Row, Roll and Record How many are Hiding, Make 10, Tens Go Fish
To build number relationships, students sort cards into strategy categories. Individually put the addition expressions into similar categories, then check with a partner in your group. How can this help you remember math facts?
Support Fluency Strategic Thinking Range of Learners Families
GradeInvestigations 1 st grade Combinations that make 10 2 nd grade Addition combinations to Practice related Subtraction combinations 3 rd grade Subtraction combinations to 20
K-2 Individual interviews Individual observation Small Group observation How many am I hiding? Games, word problems
Play one or more of the games to practice fact fluency with the combinations to 20. Chips Plus 9 or 10 War Double it Arrays
Read Multiplication and Division Look for evidence of: 1- Constructing Meaning 2- Reasoning Strategies 3-Working towards Recall Discuss with your group what activities students would be doing in each of these phases.
Cross off the facts on the table as you apply the properties and strategies.
‘Instantly’ see how many Recognize a number pattern as a whole Recognize a number as having groups of, sets of
One person flashes a x quick image card for 3 seconds. How did you see it? Share with the group. Take a quick image card and rewrite it, using its parts. 5 x 6 = (3 x 5) + (3 x 5)
Read- Array Cards In Investigations
Play one or more of the array games Count and Compare Missing Factors Small Array/Big Array
GradeInvestigations 3rd gradeMultiplication combinations with products to 50 4th grade Multiplication with products to 12 x 12 5th grade related Division combinations to 12 x 12
Read the Multiplication Combinations sequence of learning. How can this sequence support relational thinking? Discuss ways you have sequenced learning the multiplication facts?
Group Assessments Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
Play one or more of the multiplication games. How many rows, stacks, cups? How many rows? In each row? Circles and Stars?
Students engaged together in ‘doing math’ Sharing strategies Listening Working collaboratively Talking
Day-to-day teaching of curriculum focused mini-lesson, numbertalks games and activities homework, practice pages word problems Make learning meaningful and engaging