Telescope Integration and Tests Tuesday Afternoon.


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Presentation transcript:

Telescope Integration and Tests Tuesday Afternoon

2 Status: Document LTS-104 describes the Telescope integration and tests Plan This coming year, this plan will be reviewed and updated: -Using vendor schedule input -Include software development WBS 4-14

Integration sequence in phase with subsystems delivery Integration and Test Plan (LTS-104) describes the general strategy, includes the integration and test sequence and provides a summary for all major key activities. Three Major Phases: Phase 1 (P1): Heavy Construction Phase 2 (P2): Mirrors Coating and Integration Phase 3 (P3): Alignment Phase START END P1 P2 P3

Phase 1 Heavy Construction Summit Facility construction (lower enclosure, support building, platform lift, AT lower enclosure) Provide early access for Dome Installation (lower enclosure and pier ready) and Coating Plant installation Crane + Manpower to build Dome included in I&T WBS (supervisory from dome contractor). Mount and Coating Plant Installation on site included in contract. Dome Light/Wind Screen installation finalized after Mount installation for shutter door access Laser Tracker used during Integration 6 months 11 months P1 Mount Testing Milestones: Mount Acceptance Tests Refine positioning look-up tables First Pointing on Sky Refine TCS Pointing Model on sky with small alignment telescope 6 months Total: 1year 5months M1M3 Cell with Surrogate Mirror

Mount sections installed through the dome shutter doors using outside crane 1- Azimuth Track Integration2- Azimuth Bearing Installation3- Elevation Pier Installation 4- Center Section Integration 5- Top End Ring Integration Welded in place Az drives installed and Tested 1 st Elevation balance 6- Platform, Surrogate Mass Installation

M1M3 Cell Reception Sequence M1M3 Mirror CartM1M3 Cell Reception Cell Installed on CartM1M3 Surrogate Mirror From Integration and Test Plan (LTS-104)

Phase 2 Starts after end of heavy construction for safe handling of mirrors M2 Coating during Mount Testing (overlap with Phase 1) M2 is first installed on Telescope Mount M1M3 Mirror Reception and Integration in cell M1M3 coating and assembly (Mount locked at Zenith) Calibration Screen installed on Dome during M1M3 coating M1M3 integration on Telescope P2 3 months 2 months 1 month 3 months 2 months Total: 10 months

M1M3 Cell and M1M3 Mirror Assembly M1M3 Lifter Staging M1M3 Mirror Reception M1M3 Container Open M1M3 Mirror Installation in Cell M1M3 Cell Preparation M1M3 Cell under coating chamber

Phase 3 starts with M3 tests for 3-Mirror Telescope testing Repeat M3 Mirror System performance tests under full active control at zenith pointing (with interferometer) Install Integrating Structure with wavefront sensor (WFS) On-axis 3-Mirror Telescope Alignment (take advantage of diffraction-limited image on-axis by design) Perform Calibration Equipment Tests P3 Total: 8 months M3 Interferometer Shack-Hartmann WFS

Commissioning camera (ComCam) for initial off-axis alignment 1.3-Lenses FOV Corrector (2 lenses + dewar window) 2.40-arcmin Focal Plane Composed of one CCD raft (3x3 CCD Detectors) 3.Intra and Extra focal images used for Wavefront Analysis (on and off-axis) Filters Window 374 mm 309 mm Rotator Hexapod Camera Support Assembly with ComCam ComCam installed on Surrogate Mass

Integration Milestones with Dependence on Main Subsystems Delivery Dependent on following milestones: 1.Dome Ready for Installation 03 Jan 17 2.TMA Ready for Installation12 Jul 17 3.Support Facility ready for Coating Chamber 06 Oct 17 4.M1M3 arrives on site 24 Jan 18 5.M2 arrives on site 10 Apr 18 1.Dome Installation Finished (Ph1)19 Jun 17 2.Telescope Mount Installation Finished (Ph1) 03 Jan 18 3.Coating Chamber ready for use (Ph1) 18 May 18 4.Telescope Mount Testing Finished (Ph1)11 Jun 18 5.Major Exterior Handling Operations Complete (Ph1) 14 Dec 18 6.Telescope ready for 3-mirror testing (Ph2)25 Jan 19 7.T&S ATP Complete (Ph3)30 Sept 19

FDR Schedule in Primavera Team Equipment Activities Y3Y4Y5Y6 Rental