ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Youth Exchange Program Amilcar Osvaldo Ciotti S. DISTRIT 4845 DISTRIT 6110
SOUTH AMERICA South America it is located between The Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. It has an area of 17,8 millions km2 that represents 42 % of the American continent. The population is people.It is formed of 12 countries. There are 7 languages Spanish, Portuguese, French, Guarani, Aimará and Neerlandes. The most extended cities are: Sao Paulo in Brazil and Buenos Aires in Argentina
PARAGUAY Paraguay is located in the middle of South America for this reason it is also known as Heart of America. The population is people and the area is km2. The country is divided by The Paraguayan River in 2 regions Oriental and Occidental. It has two official languages Spanish and Guarani and the currency is Guarani. The country does not have coast on the Sea. The most important Rivers are: Paraná and Paraguay. It is bounded by Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia.
Capital of Paraguay Asunción Country– and Paraguay River
The Paraguayan Flag is Red, White and Blue. Red means justice, white peace and blue freedon PARAGUAYAN FLAG Paraguayan flag Paraguay will be 200 years of independence in the year 2011.
Mr. Fernando Lugo is the president of the Republic who started in August 15, 2008, he is the president number 52. Fernando Lugo President of the Republic
The Lopez Palace (Presidencial Palace)
Economy: 33 % of the population is dedicated to agriculture and cattle, the rest of the population is dedicated to trade, finantial bussiness. The exportation are: soy bean, cotton, meat,wood and vegetable oil. Feeding Base: bean, meat orange and tapioca Soy bean Cotton Meat
The typical styles of music are polca and guarania. The musical instrument are guitar and harp. The most known Paraguayan composition is Guyra campana: Pájaro Campana for harp. Harp Guitar
The typical paraguayan is danced in the populary parties Paraguayan dance
PARAGUAYAN HANDCRAFT It offers beautiful embroidery like: Ao po´í Ñandutí
Typical food: Chipa: it is made of starch and flour. Sopa paraguaya: it is a corn cake, it is made of eggs, onion, milk and cheese. Mbeju: it is made of starch and flour. Bori Bori: It is a soup with little corn ball. Pastel mandi´o: it is made of meat ball and tapioca it is used for snack in the middle of the morning or in the afternoon. Chipa Mbeju
Tereré is a popular beverage, it represents the unity of the people. It is an refreshing beverage in which aromatic herbs are added to the water. Tereré Round
Estadium Defensores del Chaco Soccer is the most popular sport practiced by the population.
The Itaipu Dam The Itaipu dam: is the biggets hydroelectric in the world. It was built between Paraguay and Argentina. It is located on Parana River in the frontier of Argentina and Paraguay. This Dam is considered one of the wonder in the world
The Yacyretá Dam The Yacyretá Dam: is a central hydroelectric built between Paraguay and Argentina. It is the second most important hydroelectric in the country.
Ruinas Jesuíticas de Jesús y Trinidad Ruinas Jesuíticas de Jesús y Trinidad: were small towns which were found by Jesuit missionary in the century XVII.
Yguazú Waterfall Yguazú Waterfall: has 275 leaps and it is about 80 meter height. It is between Brazil and Argentina.
Coronel Oviedo An international Route Crossing Coronel Oviedo Area: 879 km2 Population: people. It was founded in October 7, 1758.
City Hall
Justice Court
Bus stop
Rotary Club Coronel Oviedo
Rotary Wheel
High school Classmate
Family House
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Youth Exchange Program DISTRIT 4845 DISTRIT 6110 Amilcar Osvaldo Ciotti Sosa