Friday September 26, 2014 Mr. Goblirsch – U.S. History OBJECTIVE – Students Will Be Able To – SWBAT : -Evaluate the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation. AGENDA: 1)WARM-UP: States Map - Blockade 2)CONCEPT: Emancipation Proclamation Background 3)PARTNERS: Did Lincoln Free the Slaves? 4)VIDEO: America the Story of Us: Civil War States Map - Blockade WARM-UP: (Follow the directions below) ***5 Minutes*** DIRECTIONS: Use the map on P )Draw the Union blockade of the Southern coastline on your map. 2)Label Washington D.C. (Union Capital), Richmond (Confederate Capital), and the Mississippi River
Civil War Battles Chart BATTLESOUTCOMESIGNIFICANCE 1 st Bull Run Merrimack v. Monitor Shiloh New Orleans Seven Days’ Battles 2nd Bull Run Antietam Fredericksburg & Chancellorsville Gettysburg & Vicksburg Sherman takes Atlanta Begins “March to Sea” Grant takes Petersburg & Richmond Confederate Victory Shocked the North; Lincoln called for troops; Appointed McClellan to head Army
Civil War Battles Chart BATTLESOUTCOMESIGNIFICANCE 1 st Bull Run Merrimack v. Monitor Shiloh New Orleans Seven Days’ Battles 2nd Bull Run Antietam Fredericksburg & Chancellorsville Gettysburg & Vicksburg Sherman takes Atlanta Begins “March to Sea” Grant takes Petersburg & Richmond Confederate Victory Shocked the North; Lincoln called for troops; Appointed McClellan to head Army Neither was sunk; North kept Merrimack in harbor New kind of naval warfare; iron-clad ships
Civil War Battles Chart BATTLESOUTCOMESIGNIFICANCE Union VictoryHelped Union get control of Miss. River 1 st Bull Run Merrimack v. Monitor Shiloh New Orleans Seven Days’ Battles 2nd Bull Run Antietam Fredericksburg & Chancellorsville Gettysburg & Vicksburg Sherman takes Atlanta Begins “March to Sea” Grant takes Petersburg & Richmond Confederate Victory Shocked the North; Lincoln called for troops; Appointed McClellan to head Army Neither was sunk; North kept Merrimack in harbor New kind of naval warfare; iron-clad ships
Civil War Battles Chart BATTLESOUTCOMESIGNIFICANCE Union VictoryHelped Union get control of Miss. River Union Victory Cut off access to Miss., no longer transport 1 st Bull Run Merrimack v. Monitor Shiloh New Orleans Seven Days’ Battles 2nd Bull Run Antietam Fredericksburg & Chancellorsville Gettysburg & Vicksburg Sherman takes Atlanta Begins “March to Sea” Grant takes Petersburg & Richmond Confederate Victory Shocked the North; Lincoln called for troops; Appointed McClellan to head Army Neither was sunk; North kept Merrimack in harbor New kind of naval warfare; iron-clad ships
Civil War Battles Chart BATTLESOUTCOMESIGNIFICANCE Union VictoryHelped Union get control of Miss. River Union Victory Cut off access to Miss., no longer transport Confederate prevented Union from capturing capital Disheartened Union, strategy to tire is working 1 st Bull Run Merrimack v. Monitor Shiloh New Orleans Seven Days’ Battles 2nd Bull Run Antietam Fredericksburg & Chancellorsville Gettysburg & Vicksburg Sherman takes Atlanta Begins “March to Sea” Grant takes Petersburg & Richmond Confederate Victory Shocked the North; Lincoln called for troops; Appointed McClellan to head Army Neither was sunk; North kept Merrimack in harbor New kind of naval warfare; iron-clad ships
Civil War Battles Chart BATTLESOUTCOMESIGNIFICANCE Union VictoryHelped Union get control of Miss. River Union Victory Cut off access to Miss., no longer transport Confederate prevented Union from capturing capital Disheartened Union, strategy to tire is working Confederate VictoryOnly 20 miles from Wash. D.C 1 st Bull Run Merrimack v. Monitor Shiloh New Orleans Seven Days’ Battles 2nd Bull Run Antietam Fredericksburg & Chancellorsville Gettysburg & Vicksburg Sherman takes Atlanta Begins “March to Sea” Grant takes Petersburg & Richmond Confederate Victory Shocked the North; Lincoln called for troops; Appointed McClellan to head Army Neither was sunk; North kept Merrimack in harbor New kind of naval warfare; iron-clad ships
Civil War Battles Chart BATTLESOUTCOMESIGNIFICANCE Union VictoryHelped Union get control of Miss. River Union Victory Cut off access to Miss., no longer transport Confederate prevented Union from capturing capital Disheartened Union, strategy to tire is working Confederate VictoryOnly 20 miles from Wash. D.C Union VictorySouth lost best chance to be recognized; Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation 1 st Bull Run Merrimack v. Monitor Shiloh New Orleans Seven Days’ Battles 2nd Bull Run Antietam Fredericksburg & Chancellorsville Gettysburg & Vicksburg Sherman takes Atlanta Begins “March to Sea” Grant takes Petersburg & Richmond Confederate Victory Shocked the North; Lincoln called for troops; Appointed McClellan to head Army Neither was sunk; North kept Merrimack in harbor New kind of naval warfare; iron-clad ships
Civil War Battles Chart BATTLESOUTCOMESIGNIFICANCE Union VictoryHelped Union get control of Miss. River Union Victory Cut off access to Miss., no longer transport Confederate prevented Union from capturing capital Disheartened Union, strategy to tire is working Confederate VictoryOnly 20 miles from Wash. D.C Union VictorySouth lost best chance to be recognized; Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation Both Confederate Victories Fred. – Union Gen. resigns & replaced Chanc. – “Stonewall” shot & dies 1 st Bull Run Merrimack v. Monitor Shiloh New Orleans Seven Days’ Battles 2nd Bull Run Antietam Fredericksburg & Chancellorsville Gettysburg & Vicksburg Sherman takes Atlanta Begins “March to Sea” Grant takes Petersburg & Richmond Confederate Victory Shocked the North; Lincoln called for troops; Appointed McClellan to head Army Neither was sunk; North kept Merrimack in harbor New kind of naval warfare; iron-clad ships
Civil War Battles Chart BATTLESOUTCOMESIGNIFICANCE Union VictoryHelped Union get control of Miss. River Union Victory Cut off access to Miss., no longer transport Confederate prevented Union from capturing capital Disheartened Union, strategy to tire is working Confederate VictoryOnly 20 miles from Wash. D.C Union VictorySouth lost best chance to be recognized; Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation Both Confederate Victories Fred. – Union Gen. resigns & replaced Chanc. – “Stonewall” shot & dies Both Union Victories Turning point Union takes control of Miss Riv., Divides South; Lincoln issues Get. Add. 1 st Bull Run Merrimack v. Monitor Shiloh New Orleans Seven Days’ Battles 2nd Bull Run Antietam Fredericksburg & Chancellorsville Gettysburg & Vicksburg Sherman takes Atlanta Begins “March to Sea” Grant takes Petersburg & Richmond Confederate Victory Shocked the North; Lincoln called for troops; Appointed McClellan to head Army Neither was sunk; North kept Merrimack in harbor New kind of naval warfare; iron-clad ships
Civil War Battles Chart BATTLESOUTCOMESIGNIFICANCE Union VictoryHelped Union get control of Miss. River Union Victory Cut off access to Miss., no longer transport Confederate prevented Union from capturing capital Disheartened Union, strategy to tire is working Confederate VictoryOnly 20 miles from Wash. D.C Union VictorySouth lost best chance to be recognized; Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation Both Confederate Victories Fred. – Union Gen. resigns & replaced Chanc. – “Stonewall” shot & dies Both Union Victories Turning point Union takes control of Miss Riv., Divides South; Lincoln issues Get. Add. Union troops capture the South Total War – taking land & supplies; destroying homes, fields, railways 1 st Bull Run Merrimack v. Monitor Shiloh New Orleans Seven Days’ Battles 2nd Bull Run Antietam Fredericksburg & Chancellorsville Gettysburg & Vicksburg Sherman takes Atlanta Begins “March to Sea” Grant takes Petersburg & Richmond Confederate Victory Shocked the North; Lincoln called for troops; Appointed McClellan to head Army Neither was sunk; North kept Merrimack in harbor New kind of naval warfare; iron-clad ships
Civil War Battles Chart BATTLESOUTCOMESIGNIFICANCE Union VictoryHelped Union get control of Miss. River Union Victory Cut off access to Miss., no longer transport Confederate prevented Union from capturing capital Disheartened Union, strategy to tire is working Confederate VictoryOnly 20 miles from Wash. D.C Union VictorySouth lost best chance to be recognized; Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation Both Confederate Victories Fred. – Union Gen. resigns & replaced Chanc. – “Stonewall” shot & dies Both Union Victories Turning point Union takes control of Miss Riv., Divides South; Lincoln issues Get. Add. Union troops capture the South Total War – taking land & supplies; destroying homes, fields, railways Confederate surrenderEnd of Civil War – May 10 Jefferson Davis captured 1 st Bull Run Merrimack v. Monitor Shiloh New Orleans Seven Days’ Battles 2nd Bull Run Antietam Fredericksburg & Chancellorsville Gettysburg & Vicksburg Sherman takes Atlanta Begins “March to Sea” Grant takes Petersburg & Richmond Confederate Victory Shocked the North; Lincoln called for troops; Appointed McClellan to head Army Neither was sunk; North kept Merrimack in harbor New kind of naval warfare; iron-clad ships