Sam Supakkul Lawrence Chung The University of Texas at Dallas Extending Problem Frames to Deal with Stakeholder Problems: An Agent- and Goal-Oriented Approach Sam Supakkul Lawrence Chung The University of Texas at Dallas
A storm is coming… Is it a problem?
Yes, if we want outdoor fun
No, if we’re dying for it want healthy crops
Same phenomenon problem blessing
situational phenomenon “Being wet” situational phenomenon “have outdoor fun” goal negatively affect cause phenomenon negatively affects someone’s goals “Storm” causal phenomenon
How to deal with stakeholder problems in software related applications?
London Ambulance Services (LAS) 1994 manual dispatch debacle
“Ineffective manual dispatch” situation Nasima’s “safety” goal negatively affect a sub-problem of cause “Ineffective comm. in the call center” situation “Physical movement of incident forms” operation Source:{e94b3c3f-0338-426a-8bb8-a1289c55c307}
LAS was developing a CAD system in early 90’s solves? How to ensure system solves stakeholder problem?
Requirements and specifications = software problem domains specifications requirements phenomena Software problem = what to be built by developers
How to make sure solves? software problem solves stakeholder problem?
“A problem unstated is a problem unsolved” -- Douglas Ross, 1977
Concepts to represent soft-problem softgoal Undesirable Situation “Ineffective manual dispatch” situation Nasima’s “safety” goal soft-problem negatively affect softgoal Undesirable Situation Sub-problem of cause sub-problem Undesirable Mechanism “Ineffective comm. in the call center” situation “Physical movement of incident forms” operation
Type[Topic] stakeholder problem = Phenomenon…negatively affects someone’s goals Ineffective manual dispatch breaks patient’s safety Type[Topic]
stakeholder problem = phenomenon…hurts someone’s goals Ineffective manual dispatch breaks patient’s safety
stakeholder problem = phenomenon…affects someone’s goals Ineffective manual dispatch affects patient’s safety
Problem Interdependency Graph Root-cause analysis Problem Interdependency Graph (PIG)
Solving stakeholder problems Recover “Ineffective manual dispatch” situation Nasima’s “safety” goal negatively affect Detect Sub-problem of Prevent cause “Ineffective comm. in the call center” situation “Physical movement of incident forms” operation Contain/quarantine
Solving stakeholder problem Integrated Problem Interdependency Graph (PIG) and Softgoal Interdependency Graph (SIG)
Stakeholder problem sufficiently addressed? OR AND AND OR v (OR) ^ (AND)
How to make sure solves? software problem solves stakeholder problem?
Extended problem diagram Integrated PIG - SIG
Benefits of integrated problem- and goal-oriented analysis Ineffectiveness[ManualDispatch] problem vs. 1992 CAD solution
Limitations behavioral solutions not traceable to domain and phenomena non- behavioral solutions not traceable
Observations Syntactic Semantic Problem ≠ negated goal Soft-problem Softgoal Solution ≠ negated problem
Conclusion Contributions Future Work stakeholder problems representation Soft-problem (Undesirable Situation, Undesirable Mechanism) Integrated root-cause and solution analysis PIG - SIG Traceability: agents, goals, stakeholder problems, s/w problems Extended problem diagram Future Work Detailed traceability solutions and domains/phenomena Integration with negative models e.g. anti-goal and abuse frames
no problem PIG – Problem Interdependency Graph Thank you
Benefits of using goal-oriented reasoning Recover affect Crew’s “safe return” goal “Loss of power and oxygen” situation Detect caused by caused by A number of ways to address stakeholder problems: We could try to prevent the root causes, so the undesirable situation cannot be realized. Or we could detect the undesirable situations, then recover from it like what Apollo 13 did successfully although in a little too exciting fashion. But how do we deal with stakeholder problems in software related applications? Contain/quarantine Prevent the cause “explosion of fuel cells” phenomenon
Fishbone Diagram
Fault Tree
The i* Framework Lin Liu, Eric Yu, and John Mylopoulos, “Security and Privacy Requirements Analysis within a Social Setting“, RE’03
Anti-goal Axel van Lamsweerde, “Elaborating Security Requirements by Construction of Intentional Anti-Models”, ICSE’04
Misuse Cases Guttorm Sindre and Andreas L. Opdahl, “Eliciting security requirements with misuse cases”, RE Journal, 2005
Abuse Frames L.Lin, et. al, “Analysing Security Threats and Vulnerabilities Using Abuse Frames”, Technical Report, October 2003
An integration of goals and problem frames Steven J. Bleistein, Karl Cox, and June Verner, “Validating strategic alignment of organizational IT requirements using goal modeling and problem diagrams”, Journal of Systems and Software, 2005