Soft Matter Carol Stanier Editor, Soft Matter & Journal of Materials Chemistry - where hard science gets soft and squishy
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Quantitatively: D~1 Qualitatively: Soft and squishy What is soft matter?
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Interdisciplinarity engineers chemists materials scientists physicists biologists biophysicists physical chemists organic chemists surface scientists bioengineers chemical engineers theoretical physicists theoretical chemists
Why a new journal? 43,000 members Interest groups Advancing the chemical sciences
Why a new journal?
RSC member feedback Nowhere to publish on certain areas Some overlap with physics Different disciplines publishing in different places but on the same topics
Why a new journal? 43,000 members Interest groups Advancing the chemical sciences
Soft Matter – from the RSC Bulk soft matter Nanotechnology Biological Surfaces & interfaces Building blocks Theory
Soft Matter – from the RSC Published with Journal of Materials Chemistry Free to subscribers of:
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Use and citations On water repellency M. Callies and D. Quéré, Soft Matter, 2005, 1, 55 – 61. Cited 11 times
From our readership…. “I am interested in this journal, which has two specific merits: it promises to give good coverage of chemistry; it is the product of a not-for-profit organization. My hope for the future is that the soft matter communities can be united…..” Professor Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, College de France
From our readership…. You are undertaking a commendable endeavour in launching an interdisciplinary journal at the interface between physics, chemistry, materials science and biological physics.” Dr Christos Likos, University of Düsseldorf, Germany
From our readership…. “A journal in this field has been missing.” Professor Ulrich Wiesner, Cornell University, USA
Information resources Journals Books Societies & Networks
Resources - journals No other single journal combines all aspects of Soft Matter
Resources - books
Resources - societies
Conferences ACS MRS International Soft Matter Conference 2007 Nanoparticles: New Opportunities and Challenges for Colloid Scientists SoftNano
Significance of Soft Matter Interdisciplinarity Home for community Top academics Not-for-profit publisher
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