University of Miami September 15, 2015 David W. Forrest An Overview of HIV in Miami-Dade County, Florida
HIV prevalence The number of persons living with HIV disease at a given time regardless of the time of infection, whether the person has received a diagnosis (aware of infection), or the stage of HIV disease.
HIV prevalence Although HIV prevalence does not indicate how long a person has had HIV, it can be used to estimate the probability that a person selected at random from a population will have HIV.
HIV incidence HIV incidence is the estimated number of persons newly infected with HIV during a specified time period (e.g., a year) or as a rate calculated by dividing the estimated number of persons newly infected with HIV during a specified time period by the number of persons at risk for HIV infection.
HIV prevalence in the US, 2010
HIV prevalence by race/ethnicity in the Southeastern US, 2009
HIV incidence in the US, 2013
HIV incidence in US cities in 2011 (CDC HIV Surveillance Report) 1. Miami 2. New Orleans–Metairie–Kenner, LA 3. Baton Rouge, LA 4. Jackson, MS 5. Washington, D.C. (includes VA, MD, and WV suburbs) 6. Baltimore–Towson, MD 7. Memphis, TN (includes MS and AR suburbs) 8. Atlanta–Sandy Springs–Marietta, GA 9. New York City (includes NY, NJ, and PA suburbs) 10. Jacksonville, FL 11. Orlando, FL 18. Tampa–St. Petersburg–Clearwater, FL 19. Los Angeles 21. San Francisco
HIV Prevalence in Miami-Dade, 2013
New HIV diagnoses in Miami-Dade County, 2009 – 2013 In the period 2009 – 2013, 6,378 adults were diagnosed with HIV Males 77% and females 23% year olds (2%), (25%), (23%), (26%), ≥50 (23%) 56% attributed to MSM risk, 37% to heterosexual risk, 5% to IDU risk
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) Taking certain HIV treatment medications every day as a form of HIV prevention. “In several studies of PrEP, the risk of getting HIV infection was much lower—up to 92% lower—for those who took the medicines consistently than for those who didn’t take the medicines” (from CDC website).
What groups will be the most likely to benefit from PrEP? What groups will be the least likely to benefit from PrEP?
Contact Information David W. Forrest, Ph.D. University of Miami