Foxes are omnivorous mammals belonging to the Canidae family. They are commonly referred to as wild dogs. There are 12 different species of foxes. The Irish name for fox is Sionnach.
Foxes are slightly smaller than most dogs in size. They have a long, bushy tail called a brush. Foxes have big, pointy ears and a lkong snout. They have thick for to keep them warm, The red fox is browny, red in colour whereas the Arctic fox is pure white.
Male foxes are called reynards, females are called vixens and babies are called pups or cubs. Vixens usually have their cubs in March or April.
Diet Foxes are omnivores. Their diet is largely made up of small mammals, reptiles, berries, fruit and birds. Most foxes consume about 1kg of food each day. They are also known to root around in dustbins and compost heaps.
Habitat Foxes are found on almost every continent on Earth. They are found in Ireland, England, the Arctic and many other places. Their houses are called dens. Reynards live with the vixen and their cubs in their den.
Recently as parts of the countryside are moving into the city foxes have to move with them. This means that they have nowhere to hunt. So now foxes are hunting around in bins in the cities. In recent years there has been reports of foxes attacking babies while they are asleep.
Some species of fox are listed as endangered such as the red fox, the crab-eating fox and the African bat-eared fox. Fox- hunting is banned in most countries except Ireland. This must be stopped so say NO to fox hunting. By Eimear Boyle