By: Karan Sidhu
Physical Description Wingspan: inches Height: inches Weight: pounds Golden talons Blackish-Brown Soft fur white neck, tail, and head Hooked yellow beak Talons never stop growing Layers of feathers up to 7,000 feathers Fur on some of beak
Habitat Continent: Inland North America Countries: United States, Canada, and Mexico Climate: Near bodies of water and sunny places. Biome: rivers, lakes, seacoasts, and oceans. Arctic Tundra to sub-tropic mangroves Found in different states all over the United States
Behavior Diet: It drinks water. They eat fish, ducks, snakes, wading birds, turtles, rodents, and carrion They fly over land and water, and swoop down to get their food. Bald Eagles do not live in groups, but they live in pairs They race birds in the air or swoop a lot for fun Bald Eagles sleep at night in tree branches.
Reproduction They have 1-3 babies at a time Babies are called Eaglets The parents get food, give it to the babies and they eat it Eaglets grow in eggs They develop in the eggs for 2-3 months. Both parents take turns taking care of the babies Nesting cycle: 20 weeks Physical appearance: gray feathers 5-10 lbs 8-13 inches It takes 2 years for it to become an adult Bald Eagles nests can weigh up to 3 tons Incubation period—35 days Bald Eagle eggs size from inches Sexual Maturity: 4 years
My Animal and Humans The Bald Eagle is threatened. They are threatened because they are kept in parks but people still manage to threaten them, but less threatening is going on Bald Eagles live in captivity sometimes in preserves. The Bald Eagle is extremely sensitive to human activity.
Interesting Facts Bald Eagles can see 4-7 times better than humans. Bald Eagles have a 47 year life span in national parks and preserves. Bald Eagles have a 25 year life span in the wild. Bald Eagle bones are light and hollow. Flying altitude: 5-10,000 feet Flying speeds: mph Bald Eagles are strong swimmers. Estimated 9,879 breeding pairs. Lifting power 4 pounds.
What I Think of my Animal I think my animal is intriguing because it can lift 4 pounds and is only pounds and is a fast flier. It can also see 4-7 times better than you looking for something or someone with your best eyesight.