PLANT ADAPTATIONS Third Grade Science Created by Ms. Carmen Valdez
What is an adaptation? Plants and animals live in many different places on Earth. Most plants need water sunlight, air, and space to grow. A trait that helps a living thing meet its needs in a place where it lives is called an adaptation.
Adaptations Some plants have spikes or hair. Some plants are waxy or have long root systems. Some plants even catch and breakdown insects for added nutrients. These are all adaptations that helps plants survive in their environments. What are some common plant adaptations?
Spines Spines and thorns help stop animals from eating the juicy insides of a plant. Sometimes just the stem is spiny. Other times the entire plant is covered in spines. Check out the Agave, but don’t get too close!
Root Systems Many plants send out extensive roots in search of water and nutrients and other places to sprout new plants. Some have shallow, spreading roots and some have deep taproots. Mangroves are common in South Florida and very important to our ecosystem here.
Waxy Leaves and Stems A waxy coating can be found on some desert and alpine plants’ leaves and stems. The wax prevents moisture from evaporating and helps to store water inside.
Bright Blossoms Bees, hummingbirds, and other insects are attracted to colorful blossoms in their search for sweet nectar. When birds and insects drink nectar they help with pollination. How could they resist this African Tuliptree?
Hairy Leaves, Stems, or Seeds Just like the hair on your head, plants produce hairs on their leaves, stem, and seeds for warmth. Hairy leaves can also help to protect plants from solar radiation and from drying out in the wind.
Seed Dispersal Some seeds have burrs or tiny thorns that catch onto animal or clothing that way seeds can travel many miles. Seeds with specialized “floating devices” may also travel by air. Dandelions are popular ones here. Cottongrass is native to the Arctic.
Floating Some plants that live in the water need to stay afloat to get sunlight and air. The water hyacinth floats on the water because its leaves are actually filled with air.
Climbing Some plants in rainforest environments are vines that get sun by climbing on or over other plants and even objects. Boston Ivy is a good example of such a plant.
Grabbing Some plants grow up on or attach themselves to other plants without having roots in the soil. In trees or on cliffs, they can escape animals and get more light than plants on the forest floor.
Water Storing Some plants live in dry environments and need to store large amounts of water. Some examples are the Elephant Foot Palm and the Barrel Cactus which can expand like an accordion when more water is available.
Trapping and Digesting Some plants that do not get all the nutrients they need from the soil they live in, often need to get more nutrients from the insects in their habitat. The Venus Flytrap traps and digests insects to get the nutrients (nitrogen) the soil cannot provide.
Wrap-Up Remember, a plant’s adaptation depends upon where the plant lives and how it can satisfy it’s needs- needs like air, space, sunlight, and water. What are some adaptations of plants that live in rainy places like a rainforest or swamp? What adaptations do some desert plants have? What are some seed dispersal adaptations? What South Florida plant has extensive roots?
Adaptation Art- Frankenplant Today, we will identify an environment and three plant adaptations for that chosen environment. Choose an environment: desert, swampland, tundra, forest, etc. Choose three plant adaptations that plants in that environment have (you can look back at your sheet). Using a blank sheet of paper, draw out a NEW plant with all three of those adaptations! Give your new plant a name.