The 8 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey Leaders in Health Namibia
Background 2
Core Concepts: Production/ Production Capability Balance 3 P PC
Core Concepts: The Emotional Bank Account Deposits – Understanding the other person – Keeping commitments – Helping – Providing constructive feedback – Apologizing 4 Withdrawals – Losing your temper – Being inconsistent – Not listening
8 Habits of Highly Effective People 1) Be Proactive 2) Begin With the End in Mind 3) Put First Things First 4) Think Win/Win 5) Seek first to Understand, then Be Understood 6) Synergize 7) Sharpen the Saw NEW Book: 8) Find Your Voice and Inspire Others to Find Theirs 5
ENERGIZER: Picking Fruits
Habit 1: Be Proactive 7
Definitions of Proactive – Proactive means acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty. -Webster’s dictionary – Proactive means taking initiative. -Stephen Covey
Characteristics of Proactive Individuals Take control of their lives Focus on things they can do something about Take responsibility for their moods What is the opposite of proactive? 9
Reactive vs. Proactive 10
Proactive Model Stimulus Response Freedom to Choose Self- awareness Independent Will ImaginationConscience
Being Proactive Focus on things you can influence. Focusing on things you can influence creates positive energy that increases your influence Focusing on what you cannot change creates negative energy that shrinks your influence 12
Activity On flip chart paper create a circle and in the circle list as many concern as you have in your group that come to mind in 2minutes
Control, Influence and Concern 14 Circle of Concern Circle of Influence Circle of control
Focus on Circle of Influence Proactive people focus on issues in their Circle of Influence and work to expand that circle 15 Circle of Influence Circle of Concern