Jeopardy Statistics Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Types of Psychological Studies Psychological Perspective Types of Psychologists Experimental Psychology Statistics Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Double Jeopardy
$100 Question from Psychological Perspectives This school of psychology may explain depression as being caused from an unconscious childhood event.
$100 Answer from Psychological Perspectives What is the Psychoanalytic Perspective?
$200 Question from Psychological Perspectives John B. Watson is credited with being Founding Father of this perspective
$200 Answer from Psychological Perspectives What is Behaviorism?
$300 Question from Psychological Perspectives This perspective examines how the Body and brain create emotions, memories, and sensory experiences.
$300 Answer from Psychological Perspectives What is the Biological Perspective?
$400 Question from Psychological Perspectives Theorists associated with this perspective emphasize one’s potential to be happy and fulfilled. It sees people as having control over their own lives.
$400 Answer from Psychological Perspectives Who are Humanistic Theorists?
$500 Question from Psychological Perspectives This perspective emphasizes how we process, store and retrieve information.
$500 Answer from Psychological Perspectives What is the Cognitive Perspective?
$100 Question from Types of Psychologists They work in mental hospitals, prisons, schools, private offices and helping people with adjustment problems.
$100 Answer from Types of Psychologists Who are counseling psychologists?
$200 Question from Types of Psychologists They conduct a wide range of psychological research.
$200 Answer from Types of Psychologists Who are experimental psychologists?
$300 Question from Types of Psychologists They study intelligence, memory, and teaching methods.
$300 Answer from Types of Psychologists Who are educational psychologists?
$400 Question from Types of Psychologists They diagnose and recommend treatment for students with learning problems.
$400 Answer from Types of Psychologists Who are school psychologists?
$500 Question from Types of Psychologists They place job applicants, improve working conditions, and attempt to find ways to boost production.
$500 Answer from Types of Psychologists Who are organizational/industrial psychologists?
$100 Question from Types of Psychological Studies Psychologists who carefully watch chimpanzee societies in the jungle are using a research method known as this.
$100 Answer from Types of Psychological Studies What is a naturalistic observation?
$200 Question from Types of Psychological Studies An observation technique in which one person is studied in depth in the hopes of revealing universal principles.
$200 Answer from Types of Psychological Studies What is a case study?
$300 Question from Types of Psychological Studies This research method would be the MOST appropriate one for investigating the relationship between the religious beliefs of Americans and their attitudes toward abortion. DAILY DOUBLE
$300 Answer from Types of Psychological Studies What is a survey?
$400 Question from Types of Psychological Studies A statistical measure that indicates the extent to which 2 factors vary together and thus how well either factor predicts the other.
$400 Answer from Types of Psychological Studies What is a correlation?
$500 Question from Types of Psychological Studies The only method that can reveal cause-and-effect relationships.
$500 Answer from Types of Psychological Studies What is an experiment?
$100 Question from Experimental Psychology A sugar coated pill with no medical properties.
$100 Answer from Experimental Psychology What is a placebo?
$200 Question from Experimental Psychology A testable prediction derived from a scientific theory is called this.
$200 Answer from Experimental Psychology What is a hypothesis?
$300 Question from Experimental Psychology The complete set of cases from which samples may be drawn.
$300 Answer from Experimental Psychology What is a population?
$400 Question from Experimental Psychology In an experimental study of the effects of anxiety on self-esteem, anxiety would be this variable.
$400 Answer from Experimental Psychology What is the independent variable?
$500 Question from Experimental Psychology When neither the experimenter nor the subjects know whether the subjects are in the control or experimental group, this technique is being used.
$500 Answer from Experimental Psychology What is a double blind?
$100 Question from Statistics The three measures of central tendency.
$100 Answer from Statistics What are the mean, mode and median?
$200 Question from Statistics Scores in their original form.
$200 Answer from Statistics What is raw data?
$300 Question from Statistics A distribution in which the measures of central tendencies are the same can be said to be this.
$300 Answer from Statistics What is normally distributed? Or What is a bell-shaped curve?
$400 Question from Statistics This is the measure of central tendency that is the MOST sensitive to extreme scores.
$400 Answer from Statistics What is the mean?
$500 Question from Statistics This measure of variability tells you how far a number falls above or below the mean.
$500 Answer from Statistics What is the standard deviation?
Double Jeopardy Brain Develop- mental 200 400 600 800 1000 Sensation / Perception Learning/ Conditioning Potpourri 200 400 600 800 1000 Final Jeopardy
$200 Question from The Brain The longest part of the neuron.
$200 Answer from The Brain What is the axon?
$400 Question from The Brain This is the lobe of the brain that is involved in motivation, motor movement, and judgment.
What is the frontal lobe? $400 Answer from The Brain What is the frontal lobe?
$600 Question from The Brain The part of the brain that regulates temperature, emotional responses, and visceral responses.
What is the hypothalamus? $600 Answer from The Brain What is the hypothalamus?
$800 Question from The Brain The master gland of the endocrine system. It releases hormones responsible for bodily growth and sexual development.
What is the Pituitary Gland? $800 Answer from The Brain What is the Pituitary Gland?
$1000 Question from The Brain An X-Ray photograph of the brain.
$1000 Answer from The Brain What is a CAT scan?
$200 Question from Developmental Psychology The principle that properties such as mass, volume, and number remain the same despite changes in the forms of objects.
$200 Answer from Developmental Psychology What is Conservation?
$400 Question from Developmental Psychology DAILY DOUBLE Female ovaries are these types of sex characteristics.
$400 Answer from Developmental Psychology What are primary sex characteristics?
$600 Question from Developmental Psychology Stranger anxiety typically occurs at the same time as this skill is acquired.
$600 Answer from Developmental Psychology What is Object Permanence?
$800 Question from Developmental Psychology Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, and illness can all harm a fetus. They are called this.
$800 Answer from Developmental Psychology What are teratogens?
$1000 Question from Developmental Psychology The process by which certain birds form attachments during a critical period very early in life is called this.
$1000 Answer from Developmental Psychology What is imprinting?
$200 Question from Sensation and Perception The minimum stimulation necessary to detect a particular stimulus.
$200 Answer from Sensation and Perception What is the absolute threshold?
$400 Question from Sensation and Perception The seven colors of the visual spectrum.
$400 Answer from Sensation and Perception What are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet?
$600 Question from Sensation and Perception Retinal receptors that detect black, white, and gray. They are necessary for peripheral and twilight vision.
$600 Answer from Sensation and Perception What are rods?
$800 Question from Sensation and Perception One of the two types of binocular depth cues.
$800 Answer from Sensation and Perception What is retinal disparity or convergence?
$1000 Question from Sensation and Perception This law states the sensory thresholds for detecting differences are a roughly constant proportion of the size of the original stimulus.
$1000 Answer from Sensation and Perception What is Weber’s Law?
$200 Question from Learning and Conditioning He was the founding father of Behaviorism. He classically conditioned Little Albert to fear a white rat.
$200 Answer from Learning and Conditioning Who was John B. Watson?
$400 Question from Learning and Conditioning DAILY DOUBLE This type of conditioning is based on the Law of Effect.
$400 Answer from Learning and Conditioning What is Operant Conditioning?
$600 Question from Learning and Conditioning This type of reinforcement strengthens the behaviors that lead to its removal.
$600 Answer from Learning and Conditioning What is negative reinforcement?
$800 Question from Learning and Conditioning Golf instruction that reinforces short putts before attempting to reinforce long putts best illustrates this process.
$800 Answer from Learning and Conditioning What is shaping?
$1000 Question from Learning and Conditioning B.F. Skinner’s work elaborated what E.L. Thorndike had called this.
$1000 Answer from Learning and Conditioning What is the Law of Effect?
$200 Question from Potpourri Of classical and operant conditioning, the one that involves involuntary responses.
$200 Answer from Potpourri What is classical conditioning?
$400 Question from Potpourri Natural opiates that are released in response to pain and vigorous exercise.
$400 Answer from Potpourri What are endorphins?
$600 Question from Potpourri The speed at which a neural impulse travels is increased when the axon is encased by this.
$600 Answer from Potpourri What is myelin sheath?
$800 Question from Potpourri These psychologists studied factors that influenced perception.
$800 Answer from Potpourri Who are the Gestalt psychologists?
$1000 Question from Potpourri This technique involves the use of vibrating atoms and radio signals to produce computer generated images of the brain’s soft tissues.
$1000 Answer from Potpourri What is an MRI?
Final Jeopardy In formulating his theory of psychosocial development, Erikson would have suggested that authoritarian parents are likely to inhibit young children’s development of this
Final Jeopardy Answer What is initiative and autonomy?