Spiral: an empirical search system for program generation and optimization David Padua Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign
2 Program optimization today The optimization phase of a compiler applies a series of transformations to achieve its objectives. The compiler uses the outcome of program analysis to determine which transformations are correctness-preserving. Compiler transformation and analysis techniques are reasonably well-understood. Since many of the compiler optimization problems have “exponential complexity”, heuristics are needed to drive the application of transformations.
3 Optimization drivers Developing driving heuristics is laborious. One reason for this is the lack of methodologies and tools to build optimization drivers. As a result, although there is much in common among compilers, their optimization phases are usually re- implemented from scratch.
4 Optimization drivers (Cont.) A consequence: Machines and languages not widely popular usually lack good compilers. (some popular systems too) –DSP, network processor, and embedded system programming is often done in assembly language. –Evaluation of new architectural features requiring compiler involvement is not always meaningful. –Languages such as APL, MATLAB, LISP, … suffer from chronic low performance. –New languages difficult to introduce (although compilers are only a part of the problem).
5 A methodology based on the notion of search space Program transformations often have several possible target versions. –Loop unrolling: How many times –Loop tiling: size of the tile. –Loop interchanging: order of loop headers –Register allocation: which registers are stored in memory to give room for new values. The process of optimization can be seen as a search in the space of possible program versions.
6 Empirical search Iterative compilation Perhaps the simplest application of the search space model is empirical search where several versions are generated and executed on the target machine. The fastest version is selected. T. Kisuki, P.M.W. Knijnenburg, M.F.P. O'Boyle, and H.A.G. Wijshoff. Iterative compilation in program optimization. In Proc. CPC2000, pages 35-44, 2000
7 Empirical search and traditional compilers Searching is not a new approach and compilers have applied it in the past, but using architectural prediction models instead of actual runs: –KAP searched for best loop header order –SGI’s MIPS-pro and IBM PowerPC compilers select the best degree of unrolling.
8 Limitations of empirical search Empirical search is conceptually simple and portable. However, –the search space tends to be too large specially when several transformations are combined. –It is not clear how to apply this method when program behavior is a function of the input data set. Need heuristics/search strategies. Availability of performance “formulas” could help evaluate transformations across input data sets and facilitate search.
9 Compilers and Library Generators Source Program Internal representation Algorithm Program Transformation Program Generation
10 Empirical search in program/library generators Examples: –FFTW [M. Frigo, S. Johnson] –Spiral (FFT/signal processing) [J. Moura (CMU), M. Veloso (CMU), J. Johnson (Drexel), …] –ATLAS (linear algebra)(R. Whaley, A. Petitet, J. Dongarra) –PHiPAC[J. Demmel et al]
12 SPIRAL The approach: –Mathematical formulation of signal processing algorithms –Automatically generate algorithm versions –A generalization of the well-known FFTW –Use compiler technique to translate formulas into implementations –Adapt to the target platform by searching for the optimal version
14 Fast DSP Algorithms As Matrix Factorizations Computing y = F 4 x is carried out as: t 1 = A 4 x ( permutation ) t 2 = A 3 t 1 ( two F 2 ’s ) t 3 = A 2 t 2 ( diagonal scaling ) y = A 1 t 3 ( two F 2 ’s ) The cost is reduced because A 1, A 2, A 3 and A 4 are structured sparse matrices.
15 Tensor Product Formulation of Cooley-Tuckey Theorem Example is a diagonal matrix is a stride permutation
16 Formulas for Matrix Factorizations R1 where n = n 1 …n k, n i- = n 1 …n i-1, n i+ = n i+1 …n k R2R2
17 Factorization Trees F2F2 F2F2 F2F2 F 8 : R 1 F 4 : R 1 F2F2 F2F2 F2F2 F 8 : R 1 F 4 : R 1 F2F2 F2F2 F2F2 F 8 : R 2 Different computation order Different data access pattern Different performance
18 Walsh-Hadamard Transform
19 Optimal Factorization Trees Depend on the platform Difficult to deduct Can be found by empirical search –The search space is very large –Different search algorithms Random, DP, GA, hill-climbing, exhaustive
22 Size of Search Space N# of formulasN
25 More Search Choices Programming: –Loop unrolling –Memory allocation –In-lining Platform choices: –Compiler optimization options
26 The SPIRAL System Formula Generator SPL Compiler Performance Evaluation Search Engine DSP Transform Target machine DSP Library SPL Program C/FORTRAN Programs
27 Spiral Spiral does the factorization at installation time and generates one library routine for each size. FFTW only generates codelets (input size 64) and at run time performs the factorization.
28 A Simple SPL Program DefinitionDirectiveFormulaComment ; This is a simple SPL program (define A (matrix(1 2)(2 1))) (define B (diagonal(3 3)) #subname simple (tensor (I 2)(compose A B)) ;; This is an invisible comment
29 Templates (template (F n)[ n >= 1 ] ( do i=0,n-1 y(i)=0 do j=0,n-1 y(i)=y(i)+W(n,i*j)*x(j) end end )) Pattern I-code Condition
30 SPL Compiler Parsing Intermediate Code Generation Intermediate Code Restructuring Target Code Generation Abstract Syntax Tree I-Code FORTRAN, C Template Table SPL FormulaTemplate Definition Optimization I-Code
31 Intermediate Code Restructuring Loop unrolling –Degree of unrolling can be controlled globally or case by case Scalar function evaluation –Replace scalar functions with constant value or array access Type conversion –Type of input data: real or complex –Type of arithmetic: real or complex –Same SPL formula, different C/Fortran programs
33 Optimizations SPL Compiler C/Fortran Compiler Formula Generator * High-level scheduling * Loop transformation * High-level optimizations - Constant folding - Copy propagation - CSE - Dead code elimination * Low-level optimizations - Instruction scheduling - Register allocation
34 Basic Optimizations (FFT, N=2 5, SPARC, f77 –fast –O5)
35 Basic Optimizations (FFT, N=2 5, MIPS, f77 –O3 )
36 Basic Optimizations (FFT, N=2 5, PII, g77 –O6 –malign-double)
37 Performance Evaluation Evaluation the performance of the code generated by the SPL compiler Platforms: SPARC, MIPS, PII Search strategy: dynamic programming
38 Pseudo MFlops Estimation of the # of FP operations: –FFT (radix-2): 5nlog 2 n –
39 FFT Performance (N=2 1 to 2 6 ) SPARCMIPS PII
40 FFT Performance (N=2 7 to 2 20 ) SPARCMIPS PII
41 Important Questions What lessons can be learned from this work? Can this approach be used in other domains ?