The 5th Tongji-UBC Symposium on Earthquake Engineering “Facing Earthquake Challenges Together” May 4-8 2015, Tongji University, Shanghai, China Performance Assessment of Buckling Restrained Knee Braced Truss Moment Frame (BRKBTMF) System Yuanjie Li MASc | The University of British Columbia, Canada Supervised by Tony Yang, Ph.D.
Introduction Resilient long-span seismic system Long-span truss Buckling restrained brace (BRB)
Buckling restrained knee braced truss moment frame (BRKBTMF) Univ. of Michigan IIT, Kanpur King Mongkut’s Univ. of Tech.
Design procedure Performance-based plastic design procedure
Seismic performance evaluation Prototype building 30 ft. 45 ft. 60 ft. Plan view
Prototype building 30 ft. 45 ft. 60 ft. BRKBTMF Moment frame (MF)
Seismic performance evaluation Initial cost comparison MF BRKBTMF
Seismic performance evaluation Ground motion and experimental calibration (a) Target spectra for three hazard (b) Ground motions scaling for 2%/50 years Experimental Simulation Experimental Simulation (c) Normalized BRB stress-strain response (d) Moment-rotation response
Element removal procedure
Seismic performance evaluation Dynamic performance study
Dynamic performance study Median inter-story drift response
Dynamic performance study Median floor acceleration response
Seismic performance evaluation Earthquake financial impact study Structural Comp. Building Services Architect. Comp. Occupants Contents
Building performance groups
Component fragility data
Cumulative distribution function
Conclusion Buckling Restrained Knee Brace Truss Moment Frame (BRKBTMF): Lower initial cost: Not significantly affected by the architecture layout. Higher structural performance: Lower structural demand (floor acceleration and ISD). Lower repair cost and downtime.
Future research Test setup Specimen drawing Acknowledgement to: Tony Yang (University of British Columbia), Subhash C. Goel (University of Michigan), S. Leelataviwat (King Mongkut’s University of Technology).
Certificate of Structural Thank you! Certificate of Structural Engineering Program