The Use of Imagination and Reality
Audiences always try to search their own pieces of personalities and experiences when watching plays. Once they find it, not only can integrate into the plays easily but also can feel indebted as if it were received in person.
Six Elements 1.real actors 2.unreal actors 3. real people 4.imaginary roles 5.true stories 6.imaginary stories
Unreal Actors VS. Real Actors Unreal Actors: enlarge the possibilities of the play. Ex. animations Real Actors: as usual.
Real People VS. Imaginary Roles Real People: audiences have had impression on that person before. Imaginary Roles: Directors can create imaginary roles depending on what groups of people that they want to attract.
Imaginary Stories VS. True Stories Imaginary Stories: directors have no limitations of developing actions. True Stories: it is possible to happen in daily life, the audiences may be convinced of believing the story much easily.
Eight Methods for Representation
Real actors act real people with true stories. Real actors act real people with imaginary stories. Real actors act imaginary roles with true stories. Real actors act imaginary roles with imaginary stories. Unreal actors act real people with true stories. Unreal actors act real people with imaginary stories. Unreal actors acts imaginary people with true stories. Unreal actors acts imaginary people with imaginary stories.
Real Actors Act Real Person with True Story The Aviator Howard Hughes
Real Actors Act Real People with Imaginary Stories. Shakespeare in Love Shakespeare
Real Actors Act Imaginary Roles with True Stories. United 93 True story Imaginary roles
Real Actors Act Imaginary Roles with Imaginary Stories Moulin Rouge
Unreal Actors Act Real People with True Stories 紀錄一九八二年九月發生在黎巴 嫩首都貝魯特的大屠殺,當時以 色列軍隊正包為此一地區,導演 阿里富曼正是其中一名士兵,一 天他與友人在酒吧,友人告訴他 每天晚上重複著相同的惡夢,兩 人覺得這與她們八零年代從軍時 所執行的任務有關聯,讓阿里驚 訝的是自己幾乎對那段期間所發 生的事忘得一乾二淨,他決定與 當年的朋友及同事們一一會面訪 談,挖掘那段期間所發生的事實 真相...
Unreal Actors Act Real People with Imaginary Stories Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights Real person: Adam Sandler
Unreal Actors Act Imaginary People with True Stories 茉莉人生 故事描述伊斯蘭革命 時期長大的小女孩, 目睹同胞在革命戰火 喪命,原教主義勢力 不斷擴張,想聽 ABBA 、穿 Nike 的女 孩只好離開祖國尋找 愛與夢想。
Unreal Actors Act Imaginary People with Imaginary Stories Up
To Sum Up Letting audiences integrate into the plays easily and feel indebted as if it were received in person; is an important goal for directors. To achieve the goal, directors often use both imagination and reality. No plays are whole real. Play is an artificial production.