The Peer Support and Wellness Center We are a peer-operated alternative to traditional mental health services. We are focused on wellness, not illness.
Overview Project of the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network Project of the Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network 24/7 Warm Line, Respite, and Daily Wellness Activities 24/7 Warm Line, Respite, and Daily Wellness Activities
Jen’s Story
Wellness Activities Daily activities address whole health, wellness, and having a life in the community Daily activities address whole health, wellness, and having a life in the community
Respite An alternative to psychiatric hospitalization An alternative to psychiatric hospitalization
24/7 Warm Line We rely on our lived experience and employ active listening rather than offering advice and direction We rely on our lived experience and employ active listening rather than offering advice and direction Peers throughout the state of Georgia utilize our Warm Line 24 hours a day Peers throughout the state of Georgia utilize our Warm Line 24 hours a day Partnership with Georgia Crisis and Access Line Partnership with Georgia Crisis and Access Line
Staff Training All staff are Certified Peer Specialists and trained in Intentional Peer Support All staff are Certified Peer Specialists and trained in Intentional Peer Support (CPS) (CPS) (IPS) (IPS)
Shery Mead Developed the Intentional Peer Support (IPS) Model Developed the Intentional Peer Support (IPS) Model Developed Stepping Stone in New Hampshire Developed Stepping Stone in New Hampshire Developed Learning and Recovery Center in Maine Developed Learning and Recovery Center in Maine Trained PSWC staff in IPS Trained PSWC staff in IPS
Relationships Core value in IPS Core value in IPS Making connections with other peers Making connections with other peers Understanding different worldviews Understanding different worldviews Creating Mutuality Creating Mutuality Moving toward something together Moving toward something together
Crisis as Opportunity Often the best opportunities for growth arise during crisis situations and their outcomes Often the best opportunities for growth arise during crisis situations and their outcomes The focus is on learning and growing together The focus is on learning and growing together
Trauma Informed We recognize that trauma often appears in the experiences of our peers We recognize that trauma often appears in the experiences of our peers We maintain an atmosphere of respect and dignity We maintain an atmosphere of respect and dignity
Learning vs Helping “Help” has a potential of fostering dependency “Help” has a potential of fostering dependency Learning emphasizes mutuality in emotionally distressing situations that would otherwise be stopped or interrupted Learning emphasizes mutuality in emotionally distressing situations that would otherwise be stopped or interrupted
True Stories Story 1 Story 1 Story 2 Story 2 Story 3 Story 3
“Voices and Visions”
Video This documentary gives a visual overview of the Peer Support and Wellness Center in a way that words cannot This documentary gives a visual overview of the Peer Support and Wellness Center in a way that words cannot