IES Josefina Aldecoa Product presentation
Values that characterize the Spirit of Sport World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Ethics, fair play and honesty Health Excellence in performance Character and education Teamwork Dedication and commitment Respect for rules Respect for self and other participants Courage Solidarity Fun and joy
Activity 1 Introduction to the Spirit of Sport Values to introduce pupils to the concept of the Spirit of Sport. Purpose A To acquire knowledge of the Spirit of Sport principles within the context of sport and physical activity. To make connections between Spirit of Sport values and other aspects of the pupils’ lives. Learning objectives B Spirit of Sport Values Worksheet. Material C 1. Explain to pupils that there are 11 core values that characterize the Spirit of Sport. 2. Having pupils use the blank Spirit of Sport Values worksheet to note examples. Exercises
Activity 1 Spirit of Sport Values Worksheet
Activity 2 Playing within the Spirit of Sport Values to identify the Spirit of Sport values in real sport stories. Purpose A To identify the Spirit of Sport values in real stories. To think critically about the role the Spirit of Sport values. Learning objectives B Spirit of Sport Values Action Worksheet. Material C Using the 11 Spirit of Sport values, ask pupils to explain why the following stories are good examples of the Spirit of Sport. Exercises
Activity 2 Spirit of Sport Values Action Worksheet
Activity 3 Play True Pledge to have pupils think about the importance of the Spirit of Sport values and adopting them in their daily lives. This will be done by having pupils create and sign a Play True pledge. Purpose A To apply knowledge acquired about the Spirit of Sport values in creating a Play True pledge. Learning objectives B Spirit of Sport Values Worksheet. Material C Explain to pupils that it is now their turn to write a pledge (6 values), and that pledge will be a promise to do their best to live up to the Spirit of Sport values. Exercises
Activity 3 Pledge sheet