Example: First time I saw Santa!
They are the moments that really matter in a larger event. They show the essence, or core of the event. Often you can associate the happenings in “small moments” with your senses.
Think of a person who matters to you, list Small Moment stories, choose one, and write the whole story. Think of first times or last times you did something, list Small Moment stories you could tell about each, choose one, and write the whole story. Think of moments that really mattered because you realized or learned something, list those moments, choose one, and write the whole story. Think about a place that matters, use pictures, a map, or quick notes to jot about the small moments that occurred there, choose one, and write the whole story.
Pay attention to the small moments in your life that could be fictionalized. Consider places where stories could take place and then imagine those stories. Read about current events in newspapers, blogs, magazines, etc. Allow yourself to be inspired by true events that could be fictionalized. Ask, “What stories do I wish existed in the world?” Let this question lead you to invent a character with traits, struggles, actions. Think about an issue that is important to you and create a character who struggles with that issue.