U.S. History
Not Christopher Columbus! “You didn’t discover it we were already here!” It is believed that humans first migrated from Asia some time during the last Glacial Period (aka Ice Age), which began about 112,000 years ago and ended sometime between 9,700 and 9,600 B.C. Over time, these people formed into the well-known tribes of North and South America (Mayas, Aztecs, Iroquois, Cherokee, Inuit, etc.)
The Gregorian calendar, which we follow, is based on the birth of Jesus Christ. B.C. (Before Christ, also Before Christian Era or Before Common Era) indicates anything that happened before the birth of Jesus Christ. Ex. The Roman Empire began around 500 B.C. A.D. (Anno Domini, Latin for “Year of the Lord” indicates anything that happened after the birth of Christ. Ex. Mr. P was born in 1981 A.D.
No exact date is agreed upon but it is believed that the first Americans arrived between 12,000 and 40,000 years ago. There are two major theories on how humans originally came from Asia to the Americas. Land-bridge Theory- humans hunting big game animals crossed a land-bridge that existed between modern day Alaska and Russia during the last Glacial Period Costal-route Theory- humans came to the Americas in small boats along the western coast of North America.
During last Glacial PeriodToday
In the 1000’s of years that followed, these first Americans formed into many tribes with unique languages, customs, and cultures. Native American cultures depended heavily on their natural environment and resources. Tribes existed in modern day Canada (Inuit), United States (Iroquois, Cherokee), Mexico (Aztec, Maya), and South America (Inca).
In this unit we will cover: Origins of Native Americans Native American Tribe Projects Native American Removal (DBQ) Native Americans Today :