Excel Project 2 Formulas, Functions, and Formatting
Creating a Worksheet First step is to make sure you ___________ what is required Next make sure that it is ____________ (purposeful) Finally make it _____________ pleasing
Formatting Press _____ + Enter to start a new line in a cell Cells can also be formatted for ___________ (Home – wrap text) Do not ____ rows to add white space
Formulas Assign a _____ to a cell and Excel will calculate the result
Arithmetic Operators __Multiplication=A1__C1 +Addition=B3+D3 __Division=B2__A2 -Subtraction=A4-B6 __Exponent=C4__3 %Percent=12%
HOW TO ENTER A FORMULA First enter ____ (a + or – may also be used to instruct the computer to perform a calculation) Select the first cell in the formula (key in the cell reference or use the ___ ___ by clicking on the cell with the mouse) Key the symbol of operation Select the other cell involved in formula Press enter
Relative References When copying and pasting or fill handling a formula, the cell ____ will change because they are ____ references Example: =A1+B1 will change to =___+ ___ when fill handled down
Formulas Blank cell has a value of ____ Function takes a value or values, performs an ___, and returns a result to the cell ___ are the values that you use with a function
Formulas Formulas can contain space and are ___ case sensitive (can use upper or lowercase)
Functions Functions are prewritten ___ Average – sums the numbers in the specified range and then divides the sum by the number of nonzero cells in the range ___ – displays the highest value in a range
Functions ___ – displays the lowest value in a range ___ – displays the current date and time the spreadsheet is opened
Formulas By default Excel automatically ___ every time there is a change You can change to manual mode Press __ to recalculate a worksheet in manual calculation mode
___ Finder Used to check which cells are referenced in the formula
Formatting style format has a dollar sign to the left of the cell (fixed dollar sign), inserts a comma every three positions to the left of the decimal point and with two decimal points Fixed dollar sign – places a fixed $ to the far ___ in the cell
Formatting dollar sign – $ appears immediately to the left of the first digit with no spaces (select from drop down) Comma style format – on the Home ribbon which inserts a ___ every three positions to the left of the decimal point
Formatting Best Fit – Width of the column or row will be increased/decreased so the widest entry will fit in the column cells – format section of the Home Ribbon to hide data ___ – a dot on the screen that contains color
Conditional Formatting allows you to apply formatting that appears only when the value in a cell meets ___ that you specify A condition can be ___ or false
Formulas To switch from the formulas version to the values version press the ___ + ___ (accent mark) ___ is the process of finding and correcting errors