Welcome to 5 th Grade Mrs. Burns RM 116
5 th Grade Daily Schedule 8:20-9:10- Reading 9:10-10:00- Math 10:00-10:30- Language Arts 10:30-11:30- Specials (art- M, pe/m- T/F, library- w) 11:30-12:00- Band (M/W)/Strings (T/R)/Recess 12:00-12:25- Lunch 12:30-1:15- Science 1:15-2:00- Social Studies 2:00-2:30- Reading workshop 2:30-3:00- Math workshop 3:00-3:10- Pack up/dismissal
Reading Information * Reading for Meaning * Main Idea * Drawing conclusions * Elements of a story * Author’s point of view * Reading all types of literature (4 text types) Homework Expectations 20 minutes a night (or 400 minutes per month) of reading. (25 points for each months calendar)
AR Reading Each quarter, students will be responsible for reading AR books and completing an individual goal. Grades will be taken on both the AR comprehension and the percentage of the goal that was met. We will be sending home AR goal progress with midterms to make you aware of their current status. Read Aloud books read to the class will also be AR books. Students may use these books/quizzes as part of their goal.
Math Mastery New math series: enVision Multiplication & Division Facts Students are encouraged to practice their math facts each week. This can be done with flashcards, worksheets, the internet, etc. Check out the Math Tab on my Web Back Pack with cool internet game sites!
Fifth Grade Math Concepts Place value of whole numbers & decimals Division & Multiplication of larger numbers Interpreting graphs, tables, & charts Verbalizing Math Processes & Skills Simplifying fractions Adding, subtracting & multiplying fractions Mixed numbers Problem Solving Decimals
5 th Grade Writing Focus Six-trait writing Writing short essays – narrative, expository, persuasive, and technical Proofreading & Peer Editing Grammar Figurative Language
Social Studies History –Explorers –Revolutionary War –Civil War Civics Maps Westward Expansion Industrialization Economics
Student Folders Planners This will contain your child’s assignments and needs to be signed and returned to school the following day. Friday Folder Your child’s Friday folder will contain important information from the office, PTA, and myself. This needs to be returned on the following Monday.
Homework Nightly reading (20-30 minutes). Weekly Reading Comprehension Weekly spelling words are due every Friday (test also on Friday) AR goal Any assignments not completed in class will be considered homework and will be due the following day unless otherwise noted. Occasional math and reading review
DEBIT CARDS Money will be added up at the end of each quarter so students can purchase items from the class store. Each week, students will receive a debit card. We will use this for both classroom and personal rewards Weekly goals will be set with class selected reward (computer time, extra recess, etc…)
Soaring Eagles Soaring Eagles will be given out throughout the building for positive behavior and choices. Students may turn in Soaring Eagle tickets to classroom teachers and specialists for a weekly drawing.
Celebrating Birthdays Please feel free to send treats to school for your child’s birthday or half birthday. However, please bring only enough for the class. Birthdays are celebrated at different times throughout the day so it is best to send the treats to school in the morning. Summer birthdays will be celebrated in May or on half birthdays.
Please call or me at: Let me know if you have any concerns or questions. Voic Web Back Pack: