Public Opinion A collection of opinions from many different people A sum total of all of their views Not the single and undivided view of “the public” or “the people” An attitude held by a significant number of people on matters of government or politics.
Public Opinion & Polls
Public Opinion Shaped by several factors Family Schools Opinion leaders Mass Media
Public Opinion How do “they” determine public opinion Elections Interest groups Media Personal contacts Opinion polls sample
Reliability of Polls The federal government should see to it that all people have adequate housing. 55.1% agree, 44,9% disagree Some people feel each person should provide his own housing, while others feel the federal government should see to it that all people have adequate housing. Which comes closest to how you feel? 29.5% Government responsible 70.5 Government not responsible
Mass Media Television Newspapers Radio Magazines Internet (?)
Special Interest Groups SIGs PACs Soft Money Hard Money 527
Special Interest Groups A private organization that tries to persuade public officials to respond to the shared attitude of its members. Sometimes called “pressure groups” Raise awareness of issues Provides specialized information
Political Action Committees Called “PACs” Raise and distribute money to candidates who will further their goals
Lobbying An activity by which a group pressures legislators and influences the legislative process. Send information to officeholders Testify before committees Rate candidates Campaign contributions
Money Hard money v. Soft money 527 committees