CS Careers© Dr. Ayman Abdel-Hamid, CS5014, Fall CS5014 Research Methods in CS Dr. Ayman Abdel-Hamid Computer Science Department Virginia Tech CS Careers
© Dr. Ayman Abdel-Hamid, CS5014, Fall Outline CS Careers What does a Researcher do? Post Docs Getting a Faculty Position Tenure Some of the material is based on Dr. Cliff Shaffer’s Notes for CS5014. Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech
CS Careers© Dr. Ayman Abdel-Hamid, CS5014, Fall What Does a Researcher Do? 1/2 Products: Publish papers (conferences, journals, “invited" papers in conferences or journals, workshops, seminars, books) Submit proposals (and other requests for support) Write reviews (public vs. private) Write evaluations (letters of recommendation, employee evaluation)
CS Careers© Dr. Ayman Abdel-Hamid, CS5014, Fall What Does a Researcher Do? 2/2 Activities: Study the literature (learn), keep up with things Analyze: Statistics, hypotheses (experimental design) Serve on editorial boards, review panels, etc (service) Hunt for jobs Hunt for money (proposals) Collaborate: Peers, superiors, employees Teach Mentor
CS Careers© Dr. Ayman Abdel-Hamid, CS5014, Fall Post Docs Biology Oversupply of researchers Lack of alternatives Competition for hard money positions Requirement for post doc experience to be competitive “Underclass" of “permanent temporary“ positions Computer Science Periods of undersupply of faculty Industry absorbs most with CS degree, at all levels Less culture of post docs Can be a worthwhile training experience
CS Careers© Dr. Ayman Abdel-Hamid, CS5014, Fall Getting a Faculty Position Supply and Demand plays a big role. Historically, there has been a deficit of qualified applicants for faculty There are temporary periods of relative oversupply Research vs. Teaching positions A key feature of the job is diversity Warning: If you are not good at frequent context switches, then don't do this!
CS Careers© Dr. Ayman Abdel-Hamid, CS5014, Fall Tenure An explicit, proactive point in time at which a decision is made to keep a faculty member in place or re him/her Usually done after about six years Rule of thumb: Is the replacement likely to be better or worse? Very different from Industry or Government Firing only for cause Once tenured, in theory its a permanent position Still plenty of controls on performance Original motivation was “academic freedom."