Today we will divide with decimals. Divide= Divide means to break a number of items into groups that have the same amount.
You work all day with three other friends and you employer pays you dollars for the day. You must now divide the $ evenly between the 4 of you. How much does that equal? $40.00 each! You have now just divided!!!!
divide Divide means to break a number of items into groups that have the same amount.
decimal numbers less than zero
This figure has an area of 3.6 units. Let’s divide =
Let’s work some out together! 1 st step: First number goes inside. Second number goes outside. Second number goes outside. 2 nd step: Move the decimal pt. in the divisor all the way to the right (make it a whole number), then move the decimal pt inside the same amount. Place decimal pt. straight above on top. 3 rd step: long division (be careful to keep digits lined up). keep digits lined up) ÷
Let’s work some out together!. 1 st step: First number goes inside. Second number goes outside 2 nd step: Move the decimal pt. in the divisor all the way to the right (make it a whole number). 3 rd Step: Move the decimal pt inside the same amount. 4 th Step: Place decimal pt. straight above on top. 5th step: long division (be careful to keep digits lined up) =
Let’s work them out in steps!. 1 st step: First number goes inside. Second number goes outside 2 nd step: Move the decimal pt. in the divisor all the way to the right (make it a whole number). 3 rd Step: Move the decimal pt inside the same amount. 4 th Step: Place decimal pt. straight above on top. 5th step: long division (be careful to keep digits lined up) =
. 1 st step: First number goes inside. Second number goes outside 2 nd step: Move the decimal pt. in the divisor all the way to the right (make it a whole number). 3 rd Step: Move the decimal pt inside the same amount. 4 th Step: Place decimal pt. straight above on top. 5th step: long division (be careful to keep digits lined up) =
Let’s review what we learned! What does divide mean? What is a decimal? Divide means to break a number of items into groups that have the same amount. Decimal=numbers less than zero