Converting Decimals Percent & Fractions By Mrs. Nighs
Mrs. Nighs Changing a Decimal to a Percentage Move decimal two spaces to the right
Mrs. Nighs Changing Percentage to a Decimal Move two spaces to the left. 25% 12.5% 5%
Mrs. Nighs Change a Decimal to a Fraction Say the name
Mrs. Nighs Change Percentage to a Fraction Percent means per-hundred. Think of pennies… How many pennies in one dollar? So make the denominator % 17% 8% 125%
Change Fractions to Percentages and Decimals By Mrs. Nighs
Mrs. Nighs How to Change Fractions to a Decimal & then a Percentage Step 1 - Divide the denominator into the numerator. 3 4 Stop! You can’t divide a larger number into a smaller number!
Mrs. Nighs How to Change Fractions to Percents Step 1 - Divide the denominator into the numerator. 3 4 Sure you can if you use decimals. Just watch!
Mrs. Nighs How to Change Fractions to Percents Step 2 – Add a decimal behind your dividend and two zeros. 3 4 Now does it look like you can divide? 4)4) 3.00
Mrs. Nighs How to Change Fractions to Percents Step 3 – Place a decimal in your quotient exactly above the decimal. 3 4 Putting the decimal in the right spot is important. 4)4) 3.00.
Mrs. Nighs How to Change Fractions to Percents Step 4 – Divide exactly like you would with long division. 3 4 Great job! 4)4)
Mrs. Nighs How to Change Fractions to Percents Step 5 – Move the decimal 2 places to the right and change the decimal to a percent sign. 3 4 Now wasn’t that easy!. 75% =
Mrs. Nighs Change this fraction to a percent 1 5 The first step is to divide the denominator into the numerator. 5)5) 1
Mrs. Nighs Change this fraction to a percent 1 5 The second step is to add a decimal & 2 zeros after the dividend. 5)5) 1.00
Mrs. Nighs Change this fraction to a percent 1 5 The third step is to place the decimal in the quotient directly above the decimal. 5)5) 1.00.
Mrs. Nighs Change this fraction to a percent 1 5 The fourth step is to divide using long division. 5)5)
Mrs. Nighs Change this fraction to a percent 1 5 The fifth step is to move the decimal point 2 places to the right and change it to a percent sign. 5)5) %
Mrs. Nighs Memorize These Equivalents = = = = 50% 25% 75% 33.3% = = = = 66.6% 20% 40% 60%
Mrs. Nighs What is the equivalent percent? 2 =50% 1
Mrs. Nighs What is the equivalent percent? 4 =25% 1
Mrs. Nighs What is the equivalent percent? 4 =75% 3
Mrs. Nighs What is the equivalent percent? 3 =33.3% 1
Mrs. Nighs What is the equivalent percent? 3 =66.6% 2
Mrs. Nighs What is the equivalent percent? 5 =20% 1
Mrs. Nighs What is the equivalent percent? 5 =40% 2
Mrs. Nighs What is the equivalent percent? 5 =60% 3
Mrs. Nighs What is the equivalent percent? 5 =80% 4
Mrs. Nighs Whiteboard Activity This is an informal assessment teachers use to gauge students understanding. Please do not look around for the answer. Solve it on your own. Hold board up until I acknowledge it is correct. Wait for next question.
Mrs. Nighs Question # 1 Give me the percentage for 0.35?
Mrs. Nighs Question # 2 5 Is what percent? 3
Mrs. Nighs Question # 3 4 Write as a Decimal. 1
Mrs. Nighs Question # 4 Write 0.8 as a fraction.
Mrs. Nighs Question # 5 Write 20% as a decimal.
Mrs. Nighs Question # 6 Write 125% as a decimal.
Mrs. Nighs Question # 7 Write.35 as a fraction.
Mrs. Nighs Question # 8 Write.125 as a fraction.
Mrs. Nighs Question # 9 Give me 6 prime numbers.
Mrs. Nighs Question # 10 When do you take the Math CAHSEE Test?
Mrs. Nighs Complete Class work and Prepare for Quiz