Educational Technology Plan
To provide a rich, technological environment that enhances and strengthens students’ basic skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.
Key Strengths Knowledgeable Faculty, Staff, and Administration Up-to-date technology in most areas Current on technological standards and practices Significant Weakness Lack of sufficient assistive technology for ESE department
5 computers in each classroom (no more than 3 years old) Alternative keyboards Audio books Electronic math work sheets Portable word processors Proofreading programs Speech-recognition programs Talking calculators Word-prediction programs etc.
Technology Abbreviation expandersAbbreviation expanders (1) $200 Alternative keyboardsAlternative keyboards (2) $80 Audio books and publicationsAudio books and publications (30) $150 $100$50 Electronic math work sheetsElectronic math work sheets (50) $50 Freeform database softwareFreeform database software (5) $100 Graphic organizers and outlining $50 Information/data managersInformation/data managers (1) $200 Optical character recognitionOptical character recognition (1) $300 Personal FM listening systemsPersonal FM listening systems (5) $75 Portable word processorsPortable word processors (10) $200 Proofreading programsProofreading programs (3) $90 Speech-recognition programsSpeech-recognition programs (2) $300 Speech synthesizers/screen readers $100 Talking calculatorsTalking calculators (2) $200 Talking spell checkers and electronic dictionariesTalking spell checkers and electronic dictionaries (5) $50 Variable-speed tape recordersVariable-speed tape recorders (3) $60 Word-prediction programsWord-prediction programs (1) $75 TOTAL COST$1,580$1,050$775$1,100$450
Berkeley Elementary School will work to increase classroom integration through professional development opportunities and increased access to 21st Century technologies. The PTA will be a focus for increased student learning and leading opportunities, both within the schools and the community. Coordination of the different funding sources will be used to accomplish these goals, as well as the implementation of the classroom technologies.