Principal Preparation Program Springfield District 186 Illinois State University Wallace Foundation
Program Development Collaborative Adapt curriculum to meet needs of district Utilize district data and context for coursework
Entrance Criteria Must meet the requirements of the university District has opportunity to establish entrance criteria
Course Instructors Co-taught by university and district Balance of courses taught by each entity Capstone Course taught by superintendent and directors of human resource and development
Internships Course embedded - Week long Two-per year Cost of Substitute Placement out of comfort zone Experience for course discussion & writing
Year-long Internships Small number in district depending upon future needs of district Principal/School apply to have intern Interns apply annually School Improvement focus
Interview Support Resume preparation Practice interviews Walk-throughs Interaction with master principals and district-level administrators
Continuum of Support Novice Principal Mentoring and ongoing cohort meetings Incumbent Principal professional development Principal Coaching Principal Interest Groups