Get Hooked on Family Involvement How to Get Started and Stay Engaged
Get Parents to Take the Bait Welcome parents to school by a school newsletter, principal letter, welcome on school marquee letting them know that they are invited to participate in their child’s learning Ensure that parents receive a calendar of the school events early Have parents fill out and return a survey that spotlights their talents Look at the talents and interests closely and match them up to the school needs
How to Reel Parents In Family Involvement participation takes enthusiasm and energy to keep the momentum positive in a school Families need that personal touch when invited to an event Contact families by telephone, personal invitations by teacher and face to face contact When families feel wanted they feel empowered Always greet families with a smile and kind words of appreciation
Best Catch of the Day Parents need to feel appreciated for their participation Highlight them in school newspaper, parent newsletter Spotlight them on parent bulletin board Invite them to volunteer breakfast or lunch Invite them to have coffee with the principal by area once a month Put compliment cards and candy in the office appreciating the parent participation
Catch of the Day Have teachers keep a list of parents by class sign in and the class with the highest number of parents in attendance gets a pizza party or reward Post a banner for parents once a month thanking them for their participation
Proud, Proven Results Family Involvement activities and events should be monitored frequently Teacher, staff participation at ongoing school events fosters parent-student support Parents serve as career leaders
Set Sail for New Discoveries Set your vision on realistic family involvement expectations Do not overwhelm families with too much information, keep information clear and to the point Anchor your ideas and goals for the year Plan new opportunities for parents as school needs arise
Created by: Margaret Shandorf, NCLB/Federal Grants