Comments on Kenneth Harttgen & Stephan Klasen, “Well-being of Migrant Children & Youth in Europe” Christina Paxson Princeton University April 25, 2008
Questions to be addressed What is the current state of research on migrant youth and children in industrialized countries, mainly but not limited to Europe? What is the current state of research on migrant youth and children in industrialized countries, mainly but not limited to Europe? What topics have been studied most extensively and which require further research? What topics have been studied most extensively and which require further research? Do adequate data exist? Do adequate data exist? Who is doing the highest caliber research, and on what countries? Who is doing the highest caliber research, and on what countries?
Outline of the paper Introduction Introduction Determinants and Effects of Migration Determinants and Effects of Migration Migration and the Wellbeing of Children and Youth Migration and the Wellbeing of Children and Youth Measuring human wellbeing Measuring human wellbeing Measuring the wellbeing of migrant children Measuring the wellbeing of migrant children Wellbeing of migrant children and youth in the EU Wellbeing of migrant children and youth in the EU Measurement issues Measurement issues
Introduction Decision to focus on Europe Decision to focus on Europe What about Canada, US, Australia, Israel? What about Canada, US, Australia, Israel? Implicit focus on poorer and less-skilled families/children Implicit focus on poorer and less-skilled families/children What about children of highly-skilled immigrants? What about children of highly-skilled immigrants? Other categories: migrations for education; international adoption Other categories: migrations for education; international adoption
Determinants & Effects of Migration Useful overview of determinants of migration Useful overview of determinants of migration Newer theories explicitly model families not individuals Newer theories explicitly model families not individuals How does our understanding of theories of migration inform/guide research on children and immigration? How does our understanding of theories of migration inform/guide research on children and immigration? Gives us a handle on selection: what are the characteristics of immigrant children and their families? Gives us a handle on selection: what are the characteristics of immigrant children and their families? Highlights the role of institutions/legal frameworks governing the numbers and characteristics of immigrants. Highlights the role of institutions/legal frameworks governing the numbers and characteristics of immigrants. Help us think through methodological issues, esp. seletion issues in empirical analysis Help us think through methodological issues, esp. seletion issues in empirical analysis Data on immigrant flows are informative Data on immigrant flows are informative Table 5, with info on citizenship rates, is striking Table 5, with info on citizenship rates, is striking I would have liked more information on policies governing immigration, e.g. guest worker programs, routes to citizenship, family re-unification, pre- and post-formation of the EU. I would have liked more information on policies governing immigration, e.g. guest worker programs, routes to citizenship, family re-unification, pre- and post-formation of the EU.
Migration and the Well-being of Children and Youth Issue 1: What is our reference point? Issue 1: What is our reference point? Wellbeing of migrant children/youth relative to what circumstances would have been in the absence of migration? Wellbeing of migrant children/youth relative to what circumstances would have been in the absence of migration? Wellbeing of migrant children/youth relative to other children in the host country? Wellbeing of migrant children/youth relative to other children in the host country? Wellbeing of migrant children/youth relative to other children in the host country, conditional on individual/family characteristics? Wellbeing of migrant children/youth relative to other children in the host country, conditional on individual/family characteristics? Y = B0 + (B1 x M) + (B2 x X) + e Y = B0 + (B1 x M) + (B2 x X) + e
Migration and the Well-being of Children and Youth Issue 2: What dimensions of child wellbeing do we care about? In paper: Issue 2: What dimensions of child wellbeing do we care about? In paper: Education (access/outcomes) Education (access/outcomes) Standards of living (housing/assets/income) Standards of living (housing/assets/income) Health (health status, care access, prevention, knowledge) Health (health status, care access, prevention, knowledge) Social cohesion (social service access, discrimination, exclusion, social capital, integration) Social cohesion (social service access, discrimination, exclusion, social capital, integration) Safety and crime Safety and crime I would have added: mental health, relationships with family members, readiness/ability to transition to adulthood; parenting/child abuse I would have added: mental health, relationships with family members, readiness/ability to transition to adulthood; parenting/child abuse These well-being concepts are important to all children. How does migrant status cut into each? These well-being concepts are important to all children. How does migrant status cut into each? It would be very useful to organize by age of child/age at migration It would be very useful to organize by age of child/age at migration
Evidence presented in the paper Integration and unemployment Integration and unemployment Limited evidence that unemployment is lower among second-generation than first-generation migrants (in Germany and Sweden) Limited evidence that unemployment is lower among second-generation than first-generation migrants (in Germany and Sweden) The occupations of migrant youth cluster in low-skill (manual) jobs The occupations of migrant youth cluster in low-skill (manual) jobs
Evidence presented in the paper Education Education 2 nd generation immigrant children do better than 1 st 2 nd generation immigrant children do better than 1 st German study (Frick and Wagner) indicates that “catch up” is not complete German study (Frick and Wagner) indicates that “catch up” is not complete Schnepf (2004) uses data from 10 countries to compare achievement of immigrants and native children Schnepf (2004) uses data from 10 countries to compare achievement of immigrants and native children Part of disadvantage due to lower SES of parents Part of disadvantage due to lower SES of parents Language & time in the country are important Language & time in the country are important School segregation may be important School segregation may be important
Evidence presented in the paper Social exclusion Social exclusion Appears to be little evidence, possibly because of measurement difficulties Appears to be little evidence, possibly because of measurement difficulties Health Health I think there is more evidence than is cited! I think there is more evidence than is cited! Gender, family cohesion, networks, illegal immigrants Gender, family cohesion, networks, illegal immigrants
Data Table A3 lists data sets that may be useful for research on immigration. It would be useful to append more information on: Table A3 lists data sets that may be useful for research on immigration. It would be useful to append more information on: Sample sizes Sample sizes Sampling frames Sampling frames Survey content (child outcomes by age of child) Survey content (child outcomes by age of child)
Next steps Is there additional evidence on this topic that has not been covered? Is there additional evidence on this topic that has not been covered? What are the major research/policy issues that should be addressed? What are the major research/policy issues that should be addressed? What measures of child wellbeing should be added? What measures of child wellbeing should be added? Are there other data sources not listed, or data sources that are listed that are not likely to be helpful? Are there other data sources not listed, or data sources that are listed that are not likely to be helpful?