Social Accountability Approaches to Monitor and Enhance EI Local Development. Community Social Accountability Initiative for mining in Sierra Leone Ambrose.


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Presentation transcript:

Social Accountability Approaches to Monitor and Enhance EI Local Development. Community Social Accountability Initiative for mining in Sierra Leone Ambrose James Search For Common Ground Sierra Leone

Background Diamond Area Community Development Fund (DACDF) As part of the new government mining policy the DACDF was established Fund supports development aspirations of diamondiferous communities Communities benefit based on the number of licenses obtained The fund is 3% of the total exports made every six months Community leaders are to work with development structures and communities to determine community development priorities First disbursement made in July 2003 and there were a number of concerns from civil society around the process Coalition formed – NACE and supported by Multi Systems International (MSI) with funds from USAID

Setting the Stage The coalition established an information and sensitization committee headed by Search For Common Ground (SFCG) The committee employed various strategies, amongst which was to identify and co-opt two focal point persons from the Ministries of Mines and Local Government. Focal point persons provided information related to decisions and policy matters of the ministries. It was important to pad the voices and concerns of the people with government perspective and response. Multi prong approach, using radio, video, project site visits, community meetings and anecdotal reports.

Implementing the initiative Pre disbursal sensitization Preparing the ground before disbursal of cheques is very crucial to the beneficiary communities. Apart from the first disbursal, all other disbursals had pre sensitization messages. Community meetings Engaging local leaders, community groups, civil society and women to stimulate participation and inclusion in decision around community development. Discussions linked to roundtable discussions Roundtable discussions Discussions held periodically after the disbursal. The discussions focused on issues raised during the disbursal, transparency, expectations of government and communities. Building a competitive mechanism in the radio discussions was powerful. Local language key

Initiative Continued Television coverage Coverage highlighting interviews of stakeholders as well as mining sites capturing digging, the disbursal and receiving of cheques was done.Video clips produced and broadcasted on National TV stations Narrative and anecdotal reports Comprehensive reports about findings was written and distributed to all coalition members, government line ministry and donors periodically. The reports captured the status of the various chiefdom projects, photos of projects and issues to follow up on for the effective use of the fund.

Impact Action on the part of beneficiary communities to take their authorities to task for their own development programme Disbursal mechanism by the Ministry of Mines was reviewed after the first disbursal and punitive measures put in place for defaulters. Due to the competitive mechanism put in place through the radio programmes, there was marked improvement in the obtaining of licenses by chiefdoms and a corresponding increase in the revenue from export by government Decreased tensions between Mining companies and communities Increased awareness about the DACDF and especially achievements by chiefdoms from first tranche and success stories that promote the culture of inclusive decision making among communities

Impact Continued Inform government and wider community about the current status of projects and contribute in decision for the next disbursal – In Bo cabinet meeting, Minister of Mines showed off project work in one of the chiefdoms. Minister of Mines specifically stated that he was grateful because it removed the full burden of the accountability of the DACDF from his Ministry.

Challenges Most local authorities were absent during community meetings Building relationships with government officials is time consuming and expensive Linking civil society groups at chiefdom level to district level. Ministry and government officials not always willing to be on radio discussions Getting disbursal distribution list from ministry of mines was challenging

Lessons Learnt The design of the plan of the sensitization activities and sequence of the activities is key to capture impact. Working with Government key Feedback from communities and government through interviews, focus group discussions and comments from radio programmes allowed the team to review strategies and leverage on impact. Case studies Sensitization activities before, during and after disbursals is crucial as communities want to hear about progress and compare with commitments made.

Lessons Learnt Continued Community meetings provided platforms for people to talk and debate on issues related to the funds. The meetings were crowded with mostly young people who wanted to talk about their non participation. Information has been a tool for political manipulation in the past particularly in relation to financial matters and using it for influence. While issues still remain on the table for discussion particularly vis a vis accountability for the DACDF funds, the public information work which was done positioned communities to demand answers