Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage Principal Effectiveness Phase II Districts of Central Intermediate Unit # 10 - Region 6
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage 1.Understand that principal evaluation is an informative process, not an isolated event 2.Develop a district or school plan which builds capacity around the Principal Effectiveness Instrument 3.Utilize the Principal Effectiveness Instrument to create methods and practices that align to their school and district efforts toward increased student learning Goals
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage District/School Goals and/or Initiatives What are your current initiatives? -District-wide -Building specific
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage Stages of Implementation Exploration–information about the innovation is disseminated to increase awareness and build shared knowledge. At the same time, data is used to prompt professionals to consider making changes in their current practices. Installation–this stage “officially begins with the decision to implement an innovation and officially ends when the innovation is used for the first time” by practitioners. Planning and budgeting for the necessary time and resources are critical activities. Initial Implementation –practitioners, supervisors, principals, central office administrators, and others involved in the innovation must learn how to perform and relate to this new way of doing things. Full Implementation – “is reached when at least 50% of the current practitioners simultaneously perform new functions acceptably.” Then innovation is part of the school culture and conscious efforts are made to help new staff master the innovation. Innovation –practitioners have used the innovation long enough to learn the nuances of its application, and then begin to work on how to improve the innovation itself. The advice here is “first do it right, then do it differently.” Data plays an important role in determining which innovations are effective, add value, and deserve support. Sustainability –the sustainability stage never ends. The sustainability depends on “... staying tuned in to the changes, anticipating the next set of changes, and continually maintaining high-fidelity services, even in the midst of continual change.” Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, & Wallace. (2005). Implementation: The Missing Link Between Research and Practice, pp. 7–8.
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage Stages of Implementation Where are you? 5 DISTRICT AND BUILDING ADMINISTRATORS STAGESTEACHERS Exploration Installation Initial Implementation Full Implementation Innovation Sustainability Adapted from Fixsen, Naoom, Blasé, Freidman, and Wallace (2005)
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage Educator Effectiveness Overview Where we are in Teacher Effectiveness – Phase III Principal Effectiveness – Phase II Specialist Effectiveness – Phase I Anticipated Statewide Implementation Teacher Effectiveness – Principal Effectiveness – Specialist Effectiveness –
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage EDUCATOR EFFECTIVENESS Instrument The whole system of effectiveness Framework Left half of the pie chart Multiple measures Right half of the pie chart Rating scale (Rating tool per Act 82) How both sides talk to each other
Observation/ Evidence Domains 1.Strategic/ Cultural Leadership 2.Systems Leadership 3.Leadership for Learning 4.Professional and Community Leadership Building Level Data PSSA Achievement PVAAS Growth Graduation Rate Promotion Rate AP Course Participation SAT/PSAT Correlation PVAAS Elective Data/SLOs District Designed National Tests District Rubrics IEP Growth Projects Portfolios Surveys PDE Standards for Review And Approval Principal Effectiveness System
Principal Effectiveness Why Important and Why Now? (continued) As the Commonwealth continues its work with the establishment of universal effectiveness instruments, it is essential that building and system leaders have initial and on- going training to guarantee sustainability and reliability. 10
Principal Effectiveness Why Important and Why Now? “Most leadership assessments are infrequent, late, unhelpful and largely a source of administrative bother.” From The Leadership and Learning Center However… Effective school leadership has an impact on developing a culture focused on student achievement
Our Approach Review of Previous Work Reviewed existing state models from North Carolina, Delaware, Washington, Tennessee, and Colorado Analyzed elements of the various models from the following perspectives: The nine PA School Leadership Standards; Specifically the Core & Corollary Leadership Standards as mandated by Act 45 of 2007 The leader’s role in improving student achievement The desire for measureable and constructive feedback to staff Conducted an extensive review of research linked to principal effectiveness
Individualistic, Balkanized Contrived collegiality Collaborative culture Crossing the line: Responsibility, Expectation, Accountability 13
Where we are in the Program 14 Understanding what needs to change Learning how to change it 14
PA CORE Standards The leader… has the knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, creating an organizational vision around personalized student success. is grounded in standards-based systems theory and design and is able to transfer that knowledge to his/her job as the architect of standards-based reform in the school. knows how to access and use appropriate data to inform decision-making at all levels of the system. 15
PA Corollary Standards The leader… creates a culture of teaching and learning with an emphasis on learning. manages resources for effective results. collaborates, communicates, engages, and empowers others inside and outside of the organization to pursue excellence in learning. cooperates in a fair and equitable manner with personal and professional dignity. advocates for children and public education in the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. supports professional growth of self and others through practice and inquiry. 16
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage II. Perceptions of Principal Effectiveness What do you believe are the 3-to-5 most important characteristics/behaviors of an effective principal ?
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage III. State of the Research
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage IV. Domains and Components of the Principal Framework
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage VI.Principal Effectiveness and School Improvement -The Rubric-
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage VII. Principal Effectiveness Process and Expectations -Timelines/Artifacts +
Tom Corbett, Governor ▪ Ronald Tomalis, Secretary of Principal Effectiveness: Setting the Stage How Can Central Intermediate Unit # 10 Support Your District?