Mrs. Rivas Ida S. Baker H.S. A circumcenter represents the point of intersection between the three perpendicular bisectors of a triangle. Segments EO and FO are perpendicular bisectors that intersect at point O. Therefore, the only possible segment that will meet all conditions of the question is a perpendicular bisector of side AB.
Mrs. Rivas International Studies Charter School.
Mrs. Rivas International Studies Charter School.
1385 ft² Mrs. Rivas International Studies Charter School.
Mrs. Rivas International Studies Charter School.
Mrs. Rivas International Studies Charter School.
Mrs. Rivas International Studies Charter School.
2 in.² Mrs. Rivas International Studies Charter School.
Mrs. Rivas International Studies Charter School.
Mrs. Rivas International Studies Charter School.
Mrs. Rivas International Studies Charter School.
4.6 m² Mrs. Rivas International Studies Charter School.
64 in.² in.² Mrs. Rivas International Studies Charter School.