Religion and Public Schools An overview of Policy, Awareness, and Implementation The Journey of Understanding Diversity to Prepare for Greatness
Agenda Welcome/Purpose Why Does it Matter? Policy Religious Calendar Panel presentation ◦ Q&A Session Resources 2
Welcome/Purpose To provide school administrators with a practical understanding of CMS policy on religion, its implication and application Give the tools needed to answer questions and address issues at school level through real situations that occur in schools related to religious beliefs and practices What Do You Believe 3
4 Why does it matter? Video Clips from Souls of Our Students *Introduction (0-2:30) *Christian until proven otherwise (4:36-4:47) *Ahmed, the terrorist (5:25-5:40) *A flower is just flower (6:40-7:00) *Scarf/Hijab (9:58-10:30) *Don’t set the Holocaust (11:05-11:15) *Shut down borders (11:15 to 12:05) *Go back to your own country (13:40-14:01)
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Religion 5 Policy and Law
Policy Resources Under The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution : “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” [Establishment Clause] Commentators have interpreted this to mean that public schools may not inculcate nor inhibit religion. They must be places where religion and religious conviction are treated with fairness and respect. Public schools uphold the First Amendment when they protect the religious liberty rights of students of all faiths or none. CMS Policies ◦ Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Religion – Policy ACD ◦ Schools and Religious Speakers/Organizations – Policy ACDA ◦ Holidays – Policy GCD ◦ Distribution and Display of Non-School Materials- Policy KH NC Law 6
School Staff Faith and Beliefs Faith Per the First Amendment Establishment Clause, public school teachers are required to be neutral concerning religion while carrying out their duties as teachers. Teachers who wish to pray or engage in other religious activities should do so outside the presence of students. Teachers are permitted to wear non-obtrusive jewelry such as a cross or Star of David. But teachers should not wear clothing with a proselytizing message (e.g., a “Jesus Saves” T-shirt). Belief If asked about personal beliefs, the teacher may answer at most with a brief statement of personal belief—but may not turn the question into an opportunity to proselytize for or against religion. 7
Expression of Religious Views Courts have consistently held that that students may express their faith, pray or discuss their religious views at school so long as they are not disruptive or coercive. Students may express their religious beliefs in the form of homework, artwork, and other written / oral assignments free of discrimination. Students may form religious clubs, if the school allows other “non curriculum-related groups” to meet as clubs. [The Equal Access Act and CMS Policy ACDA] Student religious groups have the same right of access to school facilities and school media as is enjoyed by other comparable student groups. 8
Expression of Religious Views Per U.S. Department of Education: Students have a right to distribute religious literature on the same terms as they are permitted to distribute other literature that is unrelated to school curriculum or activities. Schools may impose the same reasonable restrictions on the nature of distribution, CMS has done this in policy KH “Distribution and Display of Non-School Materials.” A public school may not sponsor religious baccalaureate ceremonies, but parents, faith groups, and other community organizations are free to sponsor such services and rent school facilities after hours under the same terms offered to any private group. Student speakers at graduation ceremonies may not proselytize or pray. 9
Religion in Schools - Scenarios Break into small groups. Read scenarios, discuss possible solutions; whether decision appropriate; how to minimize situation occurring again Take 5-7 minutes with your group to discuss whether you think your assigned scenario is ◦ Permissible, ◦ Not Permissible, or ◦ Permissible but Questionable Be prepared to share why you chose your answer. 10
Diversity in Religion 11
Panel Presentation: Commonly Practiced Religions 12 Baha’i Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam (Muslims) Muslim Judaism (Jews) Sikhism
Resources Freedom Forum Guidelines CMS Religious Diversity Calendar What do you believe? CMS Diversity Wikipage CMS Online Policy Manual 13
Next Steps Review information in notebook School-based staff training For more information contact José Hernández-París at or CMS Legal Department