Freshmen Early Start Welcome to La Quinta High School
from your Principal, Mrs. Halstead
The Assistant Principals want to say….
Mrs. Fisher, Assistant Principal A-K
Mrs. Sriruksa, Assistant Principal L- N
Mr. Zajec, Assistant Principal O- Z
The La Quinta Office Staff is
Mrs. Varley, Principal’s Secretary
Ms. Yakinian, Front Office Receptionist
Mrs. Jenkins, Attendance Secretary A- Nguyen, E
Mrs. Dunderdale, Attendance Clerk -, Nguyen, F- Z
What You Need to Know about Attendance Your parents need to call or send a note to school when you are absent by the next school day! Bring your note to the attendance window before school starts
Mrs. Bhoot and Mrs. Davila, Guidance Secretary and Clerk
Your counselor is also here for you!
Mrs. Grelle, Guidance Counselor A- Hoa
Mrs. Esquivel, Guidance Counselor Hob- Nguyen, D
Mr. Tran, Guidance Counselor Nguyen, E- Q
Ms. Fitzrandolph, Guidance Counselor R-Z
What You Need to Know about Guidance and Counseling We will review graduation requirements with you and help you get into college! Counselors are available before and after school. The last day to drop a class without a penalty is Friday, September 18 th, 2015.
We want you to
ASB Advisor, Mr. Oda
Mr. Snider, Athletic Director
Good luck! We are happy you are here and we are here to support you throughout high school!