Unit 2 Lesson 2.05 Social Networking Ethics & Responsibility
Introduction Everyone likes to make friends. Social networking allows you to create your own personal pages and to connect with those friends. But if you’re not careful, you can open the door to hackers and gawkers. In this lesson, you will learn more about social networking and how you should protect yourself online. You will even compete with other contestants for a spot on the Friend Finder All Star List.
Introduction At the end of this lesson, student will be able to: – Practice safe, ethical, and legal use of technology systems and digital content. (ACOS 13) – Explain consequences of unsafe and illegal use of technology systems and digital content (ACOS 13.B1) – Recognize the influence of digital media on audiences (ACOS 14.B1) – Assess the impact of networked technology systems on society (ACOS 14.B3) – Apply safe and healthy work standards in the workplace for use of technology (ACOS 15)
Lesson Social networking refers to online communities where people from all over the world can meet and share common interests. There are several hundred social networking websites. Most of them are free to join and allow users to set up their own personalized profile or blog. But how would you feel about your employers or grandparents seeing what you have posted?
Lesson A 17-year-old might think it’s funny to post a Facebook photo of himself looking drunk with empty beer bottles around him. But will a college admissions officer be impressed? Probably not. Remember this important point: “If it is on the Internet, it is not private and it is not yours anymore.” (Adam Malone, FBI)
Lesson Schools and employers reject young people for high school programs, internships, college admissions, and jobs after checking out what applicants have posted online. Even if you delete your posted photos, others may have already copied them into public forums and websites. Using social media can also put you at risk for identity theft if you aren't careful about what type of information you share. It may seem innocent enough to post that you are going out for your birthday, but your birth date, combined with your name and your address (which is easy enough to find these days) is enough for many crooks to use to steal your identity.
Lesson To protect yourself, you must follow these steps: – Set your security level high – Only let people you know in – Be choosy about your friends – Do not post pictures of yourself – Do not post private information unless you are prepared for anyone to find you/track you down – Do not post anything that might be embarrassing to you now or in the future – Google your name to see how your name or identity is being used So, how careful are you? Find out now and see how savvy you are about choosing your friends online. Go to On Guard Online: Friend Finder and play the game. – Take a screenshot at the end of the game – Save it your F Drive in your Unit 2 Folder as: – 2.05 Friend Finder Game
Review The most important thing for you to remember when using social networking sites is to use the security features. – Facebook for example, lets you set your account so that it isn't accessible to anyone but people you accept as friends. – Twitter lets you receive notification when someone wants to follow you and you must accept the request before they can see your tweets. Take a few minutes to review your settings and activate security settings that can help keep you safe.
Task 1 In this unit, you have learned about “Being Safe in Cyberspace”. – Think about the following questions: Do you know someone who has had their identify stolen? How do they think it happened and what did they have to do? Do you know anyone who has been harassed online? How did they handle it? Do you have any additional tips for teenagers to protect themselves online? Open Word and first type out and then answer all 5 of these questions. – Save to your F Drive in your Unit 2 Folder as – 2.05 Discussion Be Safe in Cyberspace.
Task 2 Find an article on any one of the social networking violations — – Cyberbullying – Identity theft – Illegal file-sharing – or any other criminal act that can be perpetrated electronically — Give a brief summary of your article including the consequences given to the person guilty of that violation. – This should include any jail time, school-based penalties, or fines imposed. – Your summary should be 75 words or more and be sure to provide the name of your article, its URL, and the date it was published. Here are some possible starting points for your search: – MSNBC.com – New York Times – AL.com – CNET News – Cyberbullying Resource Center Save to you F Drive in your Unit 2 Folder as – 2.05 Article Summary and Consequences Dropbox.
Are you finished? You should have 16 things saved to your F Drive in your Unit 2 folder. – 2.01 How Fast Can You Read – 2.01 Practice – 2.01 Netiquette Scenarios Worksheet – – 2.02 What is Bullying – 2.02 Webisode 5 – 2.02 OHSA Computer Workstations – 2.03 Copyright Exposed – 2.03 Copyright Challenge Test – 2.03 ASCAP Payment System – 2.03 Copyright Dropbox – 2.03 Discussion Copyright – 2.04 Works Cited Dropbox – 2.05 Friend Finder Game – 2.05 Be Safe in Cyberspace – 2.05 Article Summary and Consequences Dropbox And, you should completed and turned in the Real-Life Stories Worksheet. So, are you finished?