Understanding transboundary governance of climate adaptation Enabling and constraining characteristics of the policy arrangements of the Netherlands and North Rhine-Westphalia for cross border cooperation on climate adaptation Kennis voor Klimaat Marjolein van Eerd, Carel Dieperink en Mark Wiering.
Today’s session Introduction The application of the Policy Arrangement Approach Research results Concluding remarks and recommendations Discussion
Research background Climate change effects cross borders Climate adaptation: ‘the adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities’. Inherently transboundary in character, yet domestic responsibility Especially important in river basins
Introduction research Various factors influence transboundary governance o Regime theory o Negotiation approach o Cognitive approach Which factors enable or constrain transboundary governance on climate adaptation in the Rhine river basin? Describe and explain transboundary governance on climate adaptation in the Rhine river basin by identifying enabling and constraining policy arrangement characteristics between North Rhine-Westphalia and the Netherlands Researchers expectation: congruence between regions results in cross border cooperation, while discrepancies could be constraining
The Policy Arrangement Approach Policy Arrangement Approach as analytical research framework ‘temporary stabilization of the content and organization of a particular policy domain’ Four interrelated dimensions are studied Emerging Policy Arrangements
Comparison results (1)
Comparison results (2)
Concluding remarks Active cooperation, yet mainly in the water management sector Various differences that could be constraining - Stimulating differences? Also similarities that stimulate cooperation across borders Improving cooperation across borders? Increasing congruence between border regions via the discourse dimension
Thank you for your attention! Marjolein van Eerd,
North Rhine-Westphalia Multiple actors and sectors on multiple levels concerned with climate adaptation Diffusion of financial resources, knowledge generation is high More resources allocated to climate mitigation Various (integrative) climate change policies Mostly in planning phase or focussing on mitigation Discourses:human cause, mitigation versus adaptation, shift from a ‘safety discourse’ to ‘resilience strategy’, balancing of interests Emerging arrangement of climate adaptation governance
The Netherlands Also multiple actors on multiple levels concerned with climate adaptation, however, mainly in the water sector. Unique role for the Delta Programme Large amount of financial and knowledge resources. First national adaptation strategy climate adaptation included in water management: Waterwet, Delta Act ‘Water accomodation & Room for the River’ ‘climate proof’ ‘Safe Delta’ Dutch water management: clear, fixed arrangement Overall climate adaptation: emerging arrangement