Influence of climate change on desertification and degradation of soils in Tajikistan Boymurodov Ruzimurod Tajik agrarian university Tajikistan 2012
The basic theses: Change of temperature of air; Change of deposits; Change of snow stocks; Degradation and soil desertification
Tajikistan ratified the Frame Convention of the United Nations on climate change in 1998, having taken up obligations as the Convention Party Tajikistan ratified the Kiot Report in 2008
In Tajikistan the legislative and institutional basis for the actions directed on the decision of problems, connected with climate change is created. The official body on hydrometeorology of Committee of preservation of the environment at Government republic Tajikistan co-ordinates actions for climate change in Tajikistan. For these purposes in 2004 the Center on climate change studying which competence includes realization of corresponding projects, planning of a uniform policy and participation in the international negotiations on change questions to has been created
Specific emissions of СО 2 in the countries of the Central Asia
Change of average annual temperatures in Tajikistan Negative trend From 0 to +0,5 From 0,5 to +1 From above +1 Negative trend From 0 to +0,5 From 0,5 to +1 From above +1
The sum of days with temperature from above +40
Deviation of language of a glacier of Fedchenko
Degradation of a glacier of Garmo Pamir, Tajikistan
Owing to global warming many small glaciers Tajikistan have completely thawed On a glacier place - a dust
Condition and estimation struggle against desertification Degradation of the earths has captured nearby 97, 9 % In comparison of 1973 on 30 % it is more Annually about 50 thousand in hectare of the cultivated earths are exposed to various degree of desertification.
Desertification factors Lay of land Environmental conditions Rocks Vegetative cover Soil cover Anthropogenous factors
Desertification processes Water erosion Ravine erosion Secondary salification Raising of level of ground waters Wind erosion
Anthropogenous factors Development of abrupt slopes Wrong watering Wrong placing of agricultural cultures Cutting down of woods Pasture cattle Wrong placing of hydraulic engineering constructions
Recommendations and decision ways To give more scientific and state blow attention to monitoring of indicators of climate change To take and expand a network of especially-protected natural territories to develop transboundary ecological corridors and cooperation with neighbouring countries and other states
Increase of fire-prevention protection of woods and their protection against wreckers and the illnesses, added with increase in volume of restoration of woods and strengthening of a network protected Regulation of water-physical properties for reduction of a soil drought in the conditions of climate change of soils Optimisation of irrigation norms of agricultural crops in a combination to application of methods of overhead irrigation and a drop irrigation in the conditions of a drought and deficiency of water resources
Creation of information system on desertification problems The organisation of monitoring of process of global warming and desertification Improvement of methods of struggle against degradation of soils Raising of a role of the international cooperation in struggle against global warming and desertification Raising of a role of local population, non-governmental the organisations on struggle against desertification
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