Rafael C Lavrado
Fading Channels Alternative Representation PAM Analysis QAM Analysis Conclusion
h(t) x(t) n(t) y(t) y(t)= x(t) + n(t)
h(t) x(t) n(t) y(t) y(t)= αx(t) + n(t)
Is a Random Variable Mean Square Value Ω = PDF dependent on the nature of the radio propagation environment
As the carrier is attenuated by α, the signal power is attenuated by And then we will define the instantaneous SNR per bit by And the average SNR by
Expected value of the probability of error taken over the RV α
Rayleigh ◦ Mobile Systems with no LOS path between the transmitter and receiver Nakagami-m(Rice) ◦ Propagation path consist of one strong direct LOS Nakagami-q(Hoyt) ◦ Satellite Link subject to strong ionospheric scintillation
Log Normal ◦ Caused by trees, buildings- Urban Nakagami-m ◦ Best fit to indoor mobile
PDF In terms of SNR MGF
General Expression For M=2
Substituting for If we use the classical representation of the Q function we going to face some difficulties.
Classical representation Alternative Representation Infinite Limit Variable in the Limit
: For the Rayleigh Fading channel
General Expression For 4-QAM
Substituting for So now, we need to calculate the integral for Q square
Alternative representation for Q square
So, = And, = Thus for
The alternative form of Q-Function can help evaluate the error probability in Fading channels.