ARTHURIAN LEGENDS King Arthur was the legendary King of Camelot Stories about how he became king are folklore/myths mixed with historical details (legend) Many different versions about how he became king, how he died, and how he got his sword, Excalibur He goes on a journey looking for the Holy Grail (The cup Jesus drank from at the Last Supper) His mentor was Merlin the Wizard. One of the ways in which King Arthur was said to get his sword
KNIGHTS, KNIGHTHOOD AND PAGE Not anyone could be a knight; they had to be the son of a noble. They were the wealthiest of all the soldiers NOBLE SON/PAGE: When a boy was eight years old, he was sent to the neighboring castle where he was trained as a page. He spent most of his time strengthening his body, wrestling and riding horses. He also learned how to fight with a spear and a sword. He would be taught to read and write by a schoolmaster. Knights would often participate in lancing tournaments
KNIGHTHOOD: SQUIRE At the age of fifteen or sixteen, a boy became a squire in service to a knight. His duties included dressing the knight in the morning, serving all of the knight’s meals, caring for the knight’s horse, and cleaning the knight’s armor and weapons. He followed the knight to tournaments and assisted his lord on the battlefield. Once a squire proved himself in battle, and his knight felt he was ready, he could become a knight himself. Squires were knighted in elaborate ceremonies. Serves a knight by serving meals
CODE OF CHIVALRY 1. Piety: Knights were said to be on a mission for God They must display a devotion to the church and God All knights, like all people from all walks of life in the Middle Ages, had to behave in a certain way. This way was called the Code of Chivalry.
CODE OF CHIVALRY #2 2. Loyalty: Knights were loyal to their ruler, their love, and The Church.
CODE OF CHIVALRY #3 3. Valor: Strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness. More than courage, it is the internal qualities that gives a knight courage.
CODE OF CHIVALRY #4 4. Courtesy : Polite behavior Knights showed courtesy to the ladies of the court, the king/queen, and other nobles. Examples of Knights
CODE OF CHIVALRY #5 5. Chastity: Knights were only supposed to have “pure” thoughts about the women of the court. Romantic love only; NO physical love
CODE OF CHIVALRY #6 6. Honor: “Death before dishonor” was their saying and knights were to behave honorably at all times. Winning tournaments, battles, or the love of a lady were all honorable pursuits for a knight. Lancing Tournament