The Way of Death The Holy of Holies The Veil The Ark The Mercy Seat
The Way of Death The Veil Exodus 26:31-33 Colors of the veil 1. Blue – symbolic of heaven 2. Purple – represents royalty 3. Scarlet – color of blood 4. White – symbolic of purity
The Way of Death The Veil Exodus 26:31-33 Embroidery of the veil 1. Cherubim – embroidered on the veil 2. Presence of God – Genesis 3:24 3. Attendants to God – 2 Kings 19:15 4. Ushers for God – Ezekiel 10
The Way of Death The Veil Exodus 26:31-33 New Testament Mentions 1.Veil torn at Christ’s last breath – Matt. 27:51 ; Mk. 15:38 ; Lk. 23:45 2.Veil represented Christ’s flesh – Heb. 10:19,20 3.Now all believers have access
The Way of Death Application #1 Are you continually taking advantage of your free access card? Do you appreciate where and to whom the torn veil gives you access?
The Way of Death The Mercy Seat MaterialsMeasurementsMinistry
The Way of Death Materials The Mercy Seat 1.Pure gold; no wood – righteousness 2.Place of propitiation – Old & New 3.Appeasement of offended person 4.Romans 3: John 2:2 & 4:10 6.Mercy Seat = reconciliation, forgiveness, justification, and peace
The Way of Death Materials The Cherubim 1.One beaten piece w/the Mercy Seat 2.Messengers of Divine judgment 3.Genesis 3:24 cf. Exodus 12:13 4.Psalm 89:14 cf. Psalm 85:10
The Way of Death Measurements Mysterious as Ark 1.God’s wisdom & love infinite 2.Crown holds Mercy Seat – God’s abundant mercy to us held by His determination to save us
The Way of Death Ministry Jesus is our merciful High Priest 1.Throne of judgment becomes a throne of grace for us 2.Hebrews 4:16 3.Hebrews 2:17
The Way of Death Application #2 The Mercy Seat does two things for us: 1) it turns the wrath of God away which results in total forgiveness, and 2) it cleanses us from sin so we can become more and more like Christ. Are you experiencing total forgiveness in your walk? Are you daily becoming more like Christ?