Why Study The Hard Teachings of Jesus? 1. Because they are teaching of Jesus 2. Because they are “Difference Makers” “As we embrace the hard teachings of Jesus, we put ourselves in a position for the Spirit of God to work through us and make us different in such a way that we begin to have significant impact on our world.”
The Hard Teachings of Jesus – Impacting our World I. Show Mercy to Your World “ Grace ” --- is getting something you don’t deserve “ Mercy ” --- is not getting what you do deserve 1. Mercy Flows from God 2. Mercy Must Flow Through Us -The source for mercy is the experience of mercy.
The Hard Teachings of Jesus – Impacting our World II. Withhold Judgment from Your World -The “judgment” that Jesus is talking about in this verse is the kind of “judgment” that His hearers were used to hearing from the Pharisees v. 37a 1. Remember these people are lost 2. Remember, if it weren’t for Jesus, you would be right where they are
The Hard Teachings of Jesus – Impacting our World III. Offer Forgiveness to Your World v. 37b 1. Forgive Those Who Hurt Us, Harm Us and Wound Us 2. Realize That Our Forgiveness Of Others Impacts Our Ability To Be Forgiven By God -The source for forgiveness is the experience of forgiveness.
The Hard Teachings of Jesus – Impacting our World The Reward v. 38 -This is the reward you change your world with the Gospel for the Kingdom of God... you “turn your world upside down” for Jesus Christ