How to Become a Forgiving Person
Scripture study…
Remember these principles about forgiveness:
1.It is a choice, not a feeling. 2. It is the power of God within us that enables us to forgive.
3. We must keep a watch for bitter roots and keep them rooted out! (Heb 12:14-15)
4. We must remember the tactics of Satan against us: Rev. 12
5. We must guard our own hearts with all diligence. Prov 4:23
The Process of Forgiving :
1.Being willing to call things as they are and to admit how something hurt us.
2. Do not pile up offenses before dealing with them
3. Do not minimize how something effects you even if it does not seem rational at the time.
4. Don’t let others increase or decrease the reality of what hurt or offended you.
5. Understand your own sinfulness and be willing to ask God to forgive your reaction to someone.
6. Don’t minimize your offenses and maximize those of others.
7. No hypocrisy or false nice-ness
8. Don’t look for others to fail so you will feel justified in how you react.
9. Remember that everyone thinks they are right, and sometimes they are!
10. Remember that no one has to deserve our forgiveness for it to be the right thing for us to do. We don’t deserve God’s forgiveness!
11. Surrender your need to be “king or queen of the hill.”
12. No ‘speck-inspecting’ while a plank is in your own eyes.
13. Don’t try to do this on your own. Ask God for His help and mercy.
14. Let God handle the lies and innuendos and to protect your reputation.
15. Ask God for forgiveness for your own reactions to the offenses.
16. Ask God for forgiveness for blaming Him that these bad things happened to you.
17. As Him to show you what you might need to learn about yourself.
Steps to Healing :
1.Stay open with God.
2. Stay connected to your spiritual support Group.
3. Yield to the process and accept it as necessary.
4. Give the Lord time to heal you.
5. Do not rewound yourself by thinking about and talking about the offense.
6. Pray blessings on those who have hurt you.
7. Change your negative thinking to positive thinking.
8. Remember the weakness and sinfulness of your own heart.
9. Practice treating others as you would have them treat you.
10. Keep the bitter roots out of your mind and heart. Do not nurture them!
11. Keep your spiritual disciplines strong and be on the alert for your Enemy and his tactics.
12. Start and continue praising God for the victory He will give you!